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You Asked Us: Navigating Conflict with Siblings, and Co-Parenting Challenges!

You Asked Us: Navigating Conflict with Siblings, and Co-Parenting Challenges!

Update: 2024-03-29


In this episode, hosts Rythea Lee and Cara Tedstone delve into listener questions about navigating conflicts between children and/or siblings, and co-parenting with differing parenting styles. Drawing from their expertise in non-coercive, collaborative parenting, Rythea and Cara provide insightful guidance on fostering connection with your child(ren) within difficult family dynamics.

Rythea emphasizes the crucial role of active and involved parenting in resolving conflicts between children and siblings. She advocates for removing blame, maintaining transparency when unsure how to help, and developing regular collaboration with children to address problems.

Cara shares practical family therapy advice on effective communication with children during conflicts. The hosts advise parents on what to say and what not to say, emphasizing the significance of validating children's experiences and emotions. By implementing these strategies, parents can find the through-line of empathy and closeness with their child.

Rythea and Cara explore the complexities of co-parenting when faced with differing parenting styles. They offer recommendations for navigating these differences while prioritizing the child's well-being. The discussion delves into techniques for maintaining consistency and respect across households, ensuring that the child's experience remains at the forefront of decision-making.


It’s important and essential to put our voices (Rythea and Cara) in a context. We are two white, cis-gender, straight, middle-class women living with financial and societal privilege. Because of this, our perspectives are limited and do not reflect the realities of all our listeners. This podcast will feature guests with expertise around conscious parenting who differ in gender, race, class, abilities, sexual orientation, and histories from us, to broaden the conversation and reflect the lives of as many people as possible. 25% of the proceeds of this podcast will go to creators of color who have been mentors and influences on our work and in our growth as parents. You can donate to this podcast by going to

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5 Minutes

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You Asked Us: Navigating Conflict with Siblings, and Co-Parenting Challenges!

You Asked Us: Navigating Conflict with Siblings, and Co-Parenting Challenges!