One Foot In The Closet - Episode 1 : Nanseera, Part 1
In the debut episode of One Foot In The Closet, our host Name Redacted, sits down with Nanseera, as they talk about:
Catholicism, including: Catholic Schools, the hypocrisy of Catholicism, Catholic guilt, our respective childhood dreams of Nunhood and the Priesthood, and Queer witch hunts in Catholic Schools
Discovering atheism after leaving a hyper-religious environment
The false narrative that Queerness is Un-African
The perils of navigating dating apps and subtle ways of expressing queerness while keeping One Foot In The Closet.
This episode contains brief loud bird calls due to the recording environment.
Content warning for: Mentions of Catholic school queerphobia, prohibitions and punishment. Mention of heterosexual girls wrongfully thinking queer girls want to rape them.