One Retrospective of Friends for the Journey
2020 surprised the world, taking everyone completely off guard. The entire world became plunged into the wake of unexpected transition and upheaval.
As 2021 dawned across the world, the upheaval of the pandemic continues. Yet the world, our world that still swims upstream against the upheaval of the pandemic and the unknown, remains united in confusion and the unknown.
Throughout each of the conversations with Friends for the Journey, we’ve explored a lot of different aspects of how, after the unexpected transition, we can continue moving through our lives and into our future.
So, the Friends for the Journey will begin weaving these threads of wisdom together over the next months, crafting a network of friends to hold us as we move into this new future together.
Today, we take threads from Dr. Rev. Skip Irby, Dr. Roberta Damon, and Pastor AbbyLynn Haskell. Happy Weaving, friend.
Some links to share:
Kathrin Gabriel-Jones has been proud to develop and host this Friends for the Journey podcast. To contact Kathrin, you are welcome to send her a note here.
Links to the full episodes can be found below:
Pastor Skip Irby: Grief, Fatigue, and Pandemic
Roberta Damon: Warming Ourselves at the Hearth of Hope
AbbyLynn Haskell: Hope Changes
Many thanks to Ministering to Ministers, who produce and support this podcast. Please check out the resources available through this fantastic foundation:
Ministering to Ministers
Ministering to Ministers Wellness Retreats
Ministering to Ministers Resources: Forced Termination
Ministering to Ministers: The Problem
Ministering to Ministers Resources: Books
Music for this episode has been legally purchased from AudioJungle. License available upon request