PJ Nally insists on someone pooping in his subway car, for magic.
This week Xavier and I had on NYC comedian, PJ Nally (@pjswithbuttons)! PJ has been making the rounds in these musical improv streets for a minute, with his partner, previous No Suggestion guest Maria Schroeder, and it was great to hang and get to know him! We chatted about seeing the magic in life, moving to NYC to find that magic, the musicality of improv, an impromptu review of the animated movie Coco, lurking around dog parks, smell based skills, and a lot more! We also got some really wild and funny improv scenes in, including a scene where we finally see the true dissolution of the Beatles.
Check out PJ at his musical improv jam at the PIT, or at his Hell Yeah musical improv shows, (@hellyeahmusicprov)! This is a really fun and lovely episode, we hope you enjoy it! If you do, please rate and subscribe to this podcast, and tell a friend!