PREVIEW - Whistleblowers at the End of the World
Alright, here's another PATREON EPISODE PREVIEW
This week we’re talking Spies for the People, Whistleblowers, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and the Logic of the Bomb.
Slavoj Žižek asks, "Did WikiLeaks open our eyes to the illusion of freedom?"
Was the only surprising thing about the WikiLeaks revelations that they contain no surprises? Or did we learn exactly what we expected to learn?
The real disturbance was at the level of appearances: we can no longer pretend we don’t know what everyone knows we know…
Alenka Zupančič says that “Knowledge thus adopts a new and different role: it is no longer simply something to be disavowed but - paradoxically - something that can help us disavow (the real of this same knowledge).“
So what happens when someone yells THEATRE in a crowded fire? Why doesn’t revelation necessarily liberate? Is Julian Assange an Antingone figure?
What does Norm Mcdonald have to tell us about the register of truth in the public domain?
Thanks to our Patreon @tarryingwiththenegative for this weeks episode idea!
See you in Paris!