Paying for Multilateralism: the financing of IOs in Geneva
Livio Silva-Müller and Remo Gassman speak with us about their findings on the financing of international organizations in Geneva, published in a report by the Geneva Graduate Institute. Their illuminating report covers 16 organizations and spans two decades, from 2000 to 2020, providing a comprehensive analysis of financial contributions to Geneva-based international organizations.
Livio and Remo put into perspective the total of 23.6 billion USD contributed in 2020 to the 16 organizations in the study and leave us with five take-away points from their research.
Join us as we explore the evolving landscape of multilateral funding, the role of major donors, and hear about some surprising findings that emerged from their meticulous research. Understand the trends, challenges, and implications of funding for international organizations dedicated to global health, humanitarian efforts, and beyond.
Discover how this research sheds light on the stability and future of international Geneva. Gain insights into the complexities of studying the financing of international organizations and future research needed to explore potential avenues for enhancing funding strategies moving forward.
Read the report and check out the figures mentioned in the conversation:
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Livio Silva-Müller, PhD researcher, Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy, Geneva Graduate Institute.
Remo Gassmann, Program Director, Global Development Policy, Heinrich Böll Foundation
Host, producer and editor: Amy Smith
Recorded & produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva