DiscoverInterdisciplinaryPlaying Well With Others with Beth Rosenthal, PhD and Dale Healey, DC
Playing Well With Others with Beth Rosenthal, PhD and Dale Healey, DC

Playing Well With Others with Beth Rosenthal, PhD and Dale Healey, DC

Update: 2021-01-23


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Cal and Cathy welcome Beth Rosenthal and Dale Healey to talk about collaboration and true integrative care. It's about connecting practitioners and sharing resources. It's about knowing each other as people so we can advocate for other professions and have them advocate for ours.

Check out Beth's books
Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health Council
Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine
Hospital Based Massage Therapy (HBMT) Competencies for Optimal Practice in Integrated Environments

For more information about the development of these competencies:
Hospital Based Massage Therapy (HBMT) Competencies Discussion (September 2016) Hospital Based Massage Therapy (HBMT) Task Force Presentation (September 2016)

About Our Guests:
Dale Healey is the dean of the College of Health and Wellness at Northwestern Health Sciences University. He received his BS in Human Anatomy and his DC degree from Parker College of Chiropractic, and his PhD in Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development from the University of Minnesota. He is a Commissioner for the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation. He serves as vice-chair of the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health (ACIH). He co-chairs the ACIH Education Working Group and serves on the task force for development of competencies for hospital-based massage therapy competencies.

Beth Rosenthal holds MBA and PhD degrees from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business, and a Masters degree in Public Health from the University of California, Berkeley. Rosenthal is author of Replenish: A life enhancing activity book and It’s That

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Playing Well With Others with Beth Rosenthal, PhD and Dale Healey, DC

Playing Well With Others with Beth Rosenthal, PhD and Dale Healey, DC
