Poetry, Creativity & Mental Health
In this episode, Caleb is joined by "The Fragile Poet" Reece Ayres to talk about how poetry has helped them both with their mental health. They chat about what first got them interested in poetry, the experiences of performing and how events and open mics have helped them with self-confidence.
If you're looking to attend some online poetry events, either to perform or just attend some places to find events can be found below.
Eventbrite - On Eventbrite you'll find online events streaming from all over the world, and when life is back to normal it's a great place to find events near you.
You can find other episodes of Changing MENtality here.
You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter here.
Further resources can be found below.
- Student Space - Online, one-stop shop’ for students in England and Wales who want to find help for their mental health or well-being.
- Student Minds website - Information about different support services available, including how to find them and what to expect when using them for the first time.
- Your GP Service - can refer to specialist support and services.
- University Student Support Services e.g. counselling, mental health advisers, student advice centre, students’ union.
- Samaritans - phone 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org
- Papyrus - email pat@papyrus.uk.org
- NHS 111 - Non-emergency line run by the NHS.
- 999 - for an emergency situation.
To hear more of ‘The Fragile Poet’ Reece Ayres follow him on social media here.