Pope Benedict XVI on Blessed Julian of Norwich
Good day. This is Catholic Saints Information. I'm the Amateur Hagiographer, and this episode I'm gonna do a terrible impersonation of Pope Benedict XVI. During his Wednesday general audience of December 1st 2010, Pope Benedict talked about Blessed Julian of Norwich, and I'm going to tell you what he said.
More About
Blessed Julian of Norwich
* https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-julian-of-norwich/
Pope Benedict XVI
* https://catholicsaints.info/pope-benedict-xvi/
Source Document
* https://catholicsaints.info/general-audience-of-pope-benedict-xvi-1-december-2010-blessed-julian-of-norwich/
Revelations of Divine Love, by Blessed Julian
* https://catholicsaints.info/revelations-of-divine-love-by-blessed-julian-of-norwich/
Music by Blue Dot Sessions
* https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Blue_Dot_Sessions
Episode Image by David Holgate FSDC
* https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Julian_of_Norwich.jpg
* https://catholicsaints.info/
* http://catholicsaints.mobi/index.htm/
Today on the Calendar of Saints
* https://catholicsaints.info/today-on-the-calendar/
Laudate for iOS
* https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/laudate-1-free-catholic-app/id499428207?mt=8
Laudate for Android
* https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aycka.apps.MassReadings&hl=en