DiscoverMidlife UnravelledPractical tips for managing midlife weight gain with Janelle Zammit
Practical tips for managing midlife weight gain with Janelle Zammit

Practical tips for managing midlife weight gain with Janelle Zammit

Update: 2024-07-01


In this conversation, we discuss weight gain during perimenopause and menopause. We explore the areas of the body where weight tends to accumulate and the factors that contribute to this, such as hormonal changes, stress, and lack of sleep. We also provide practical tips for managing weight gain, including eating more protein, reducing carbs, exercising regularly, improving gut health, and incorporating oestrogen-boosting foods. The conversation highlights the importance of taking control of one's diet and lifestyle to alleviate symptoms and boost confidence during this stage of life.

In this conversation, we discuss strategies for managing menopause symptoms and improving overall health. We emphasize the importance of reducing stress, improving sleep, and prioritizing self-care. We also discuss the role of nutrition, including reducing carbs and incorporating lean protein and probiotic foods. We provide tips for healthy snacking and emphasize the importance of exercise. The conversation concludes with a reminder to be kind to oneself and seek professional help when needed.


Weight gain during perimenopause and menopause is often caused by hormonal changes, stress, and lack of sleep.

Eating more protein can help burn calories and suppress appetite.

Reducing carbs, especially refined carbs, can aid in fat burning.

Regular exercise is crucial for boosting metabolism and burning calories.

Improving gut health through probiotic foods and supplements can help with weight management.

Incorporating oestrogen-boosting foods like soy products and green leafy vegetables can alleviate weight gain around the middle.

Getting enough sleep and managing stress levels are important for hormone balance and weight control. Reduce stress and improve sleep to manage menopause symptoms

Focus on nutrition by reducing carbs and incorporating lean protein and probiotic foods

Choose healthy snacks like raw nuts, Greek yogurt, and vegetables with hummus

Exercise regularly and listen to your body's needs

Be kind to yourself and seek professional help when needed

Sound Bites

"Progesterone, its job is to break down fat and reduce fluid retention."

"Stress is the worst thing for our gut health and weight gain."

"Eat more protein, it burns calories and suppresses appetite."

"We can actually take that, take that, you know, take the reins back to a certain extent, um, and actually, yeah, and make a positive difference."

"Just remember to be kind to yourself and realize that we all go through it at different times."

"Improving your gut health with probiotic foods like the yogurt, the tofu, tempeh, kiflats, fermented foods, or take a probiotic foods."



Introduction and Focus on Weight Gain in Menopause


Hormonal Changes and Weight Accumulation in Perimenopause


Practical Tips: Protein, Carbs, Exercise, and Gut Health


The Importance of Sleep and Stress Management


Taking Control: Stress Reduction and Sleep Improvement


Nutrition Tips: Reducing Carbs and Incorporating Lean Protein


Healthy Snacking: Raw Nuts, Greek Yogurt, and Vegetables with Hummus


Exercise and Menopause: Listening to Your Body's Needs


Self-Care and Seeking Professional Help: Being Kind to Yourself

Contact Janelle:

Please note that the information contained in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes and does not constitute professional advice.









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Practical tips for managing midlife weight gain with Janelle Zammit

Practical tips for managing midlife weight gain with Janelle Zammit

Anita Gilbert