DiscoverThe Reformed DeaconPresbytery Diaconal Summit V: Overview of the PDC Mandate and the Role of the CDM
Presbytery Diaconal Summit V: Overview of the PDC Mandate and the Role of the CDM

Presbytery Diaconal Summit V: Overview of the PDC Mandate and the Role of the CDM

Update: 2024-03-23


In this episode, you'll hear a recording from the Presbytery Diaconal Committee's fifth Summit hosted by the OPC Committees on Diaconal Ministries and Ministerial Care entitled, "Overview of the PDC Mandate and the Role of the CDM".

You'll hear from OPC Committee on Diaconal Ministries administrator, David Nakhla, who presents the long history of the CDM, which has now existed for 76 years, to demonstrate that a great emphasis of the OPC, even from the beginning, has been to recognize the importance of the ministry of mercy. Nakhla points out in this session that the OPC was born out of poverty, during the Great Depression, when only three out of 48 churches were able to keep their buildings after leaving the PCUSA.

He then re-introduces a working document of the CDM entitled, “Proposed Mandate for the Work of the PDC.” This document, compiled by the CDM in 2012, was built using the varied mandates of the seventeen PDCs and serves to suggest what a comprehensive scope of an active PDC could be. Although not yet adopted in full by all the presbyteries, the CDM has been encouraged to see the positive impact it has had in the ministry of the regional church in those presbyteries that have allowed it to shape its ministries of mercy.

Although the content of this PDS session is primarily focused toward those serving on Presbytery Diaconal Committees, we trust you'll find that many aspects of the talk will benefit local deacons with food for thought, even with inspiration that comes from thinking outside the box. We urge you to avail yourself of the resources you'll hear about in this episode and let us know if you want to know more about these topics or Presbytery Diaconal Committees.

We'll be releasing the last two sessions of PDS V on The Reformed Deacon podcast in the months to come, so be sure to look for them.

Referenced in this episode:
Proposed PDC Mandate
Sample PDC Meeting Agenda
Other PDC Resources

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Presbytery Diaconal Summit V: Overview of the PDC Mandate and the Role of the CDM

Presbytery Diaconal Summit V: Overview of the PDC Mandate and the Role of the CDM

a Podcast from the OPC Committee on Diaconal Ministries