DiscoverEWN - Engineering With NaturePreserving an Important Historical Island with Nature-Based Solutions
Preserving an Important Historical Island with Nature-Based Solutions

Preserving an Important Historical Island with Nature-Based Solutions

Update: 2023-09-26


This episode starts with a story. In 1604, 79 members of an expedition from France, including Samuel de Champlain, came to Saint Croix Island off the shores of Maine and New Brunswick to set up a colony in the new land. They called it l’Acadie—Acadia. Over the severe winter of 1604 to 1605, 35 of the settlers died, likely of scurvy. In the spring, members of the Passamaquoddy Tribe befriended the French survivors and brought them food; and, ultimately, their health improved. In the summer of 1605, the survivors moved the Acadia settlement to Port Royal, Nova Scotia, and the rest is history. The Acadians went on to play an integral part in the histories of Canada, the United States, and France. Today, that 6.5-acre uninhabited island and its very significant history is threatened by high tides, shoreline erosion, powerful winter storms, and more—all exacerbated by climate change.

In Season 6, Episode 6, host Sarah Thorne is joined by cohost Jeff King, National Lead of the Engineering With Nature Program, US Army Corps of Engineers, and the USACE Project Lead for collaboration on the Saint Croix Island activities; Donald Soctomah, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Passamaquoddy Nation; Becky Cole-Will, Chief of Resource Management for Acadia and Saint Croix Island National Parks, US National Park Service; and Amy Hunt, Senior Project Manager at EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. in New Hampshire. They are working together to figure out how to use nature-based solutions to protect and preserve Saint Croix Island and its unique historical significance.

Each of the guests speaks to the unique nature of Saint Croix Island and their personal affinity to it. Donald notes that “Saint Croix has always been a special place, not just for the one winter that the Acadians spent on it but also for the last 15,000 years of Passamaquoddy history.” The guests also note the Island’s importance as a symbol of the impacts of climate change. As Donald notes, “When I look at the Island I see a symbol of the change that’s going on related to climate. Because right before your eyes, you can see the rising ocean, the erosion, the shrinking of the Island. Every time I look at that Island, I think about climate change and the importance of trying to make other people aware of it.”

In June of 2023, the National Park Service hosted a workshop that brought together about 25 participants—biologists, geologists, engineers, planners, policymakers, and Tribal officers—to discuss the challenge and the opportunity and learn more about the history of the Island. The purpose, as Amy describes it, “was to ask the right questions and cast a really wide net then whittle it down to a few specific priorities.” Becky adds, “The first day we spent thinking about what could be done. Then people had an opportunity to get out there and see the Island and say, ‘I get it now.’ There was a lot of reality checking and ground truthing that was fascinating to hear.”

Jeff appreciated the guests sharing their insights and perspective. He noted that the work is ongoing: “We’re just getting started. Brian Davis at the University of Virginia has been working collaboratively with the project partners to come up with designs and renderings that we want to discuss with Donald and the Passamaquoddy Tribe to ensure that we’re integrating traditional ecological knowledge along the way. I’m excited about where we’re headed and the opportunities this project will offer.”

For more information and resource links, please visit the EWN Podcast page on the EWN website at
Jeff King at LinkedIn
Amy Hunt at LinkedIn
Rebecca Cole-Will at LinkedIn
Donald Soctomah at LinkedIn
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Preserving an Important Historical Island with Nature-Based Solutions

Preserving an Important Historical Island with Nature-Based Solutions

USACE and Story Studio Network