Push The Button (Rough Draft 1)
Who Gets Love is introducing their newest conversation titled Push The Button. This conversation is a very interesting approach to dealing with infidelity. Christal is at the forefront of this conversation delving into the ideas of how important confrontation is to the growth of the cheater and cheated on. BJ, on the other hand, feels that it's a great sign of disrespect to be stepped out on in such a way. So now, in order to get somewhere...buttons have to be pushed. And let me tell you...these buttons are hard to push. One button feels like your wrongs are constantly being smeared in your face. The other button feels like such a foolish choice to walk hand in hand with someone who just touched on someone else. We are truly affected by these buttons being pushed. But as adults, we still owe it to ourselves to find out the whys and hows of the hurts we experience, to find ways to deal and heal. Listen to this draft and tell us what you think!