DiscoverCALLING HOME with Whitney Goodman, LMFTQ&A When My Dad Texts Me, It Makes Me Sick To My Stomach
Q&A When My Dad Texts Me, It Makes Me Sick To My Stomach

Q&A When My Dad Texts Me, It Makes Me Sick To My Stomach

Update: 2024-09-19


Accepting what Is and managing your relationship with parents who may never apologize or change their behavior is not an easy path. It requires a deep level of acceptance, acknowledging that your parents might not become the people you wish they were, and understanding that healing begins with accepting the situation as it is, not as you hope it would be. The path also involves setting boundaries that protect your emotional well-being while allowing space for the relationship to evolve. Whether you choose to continue contact or distance yourself, the focus should be on what serves your growth and peace. Accepting what is doesn't mean giving up; it means recognizing the limits of what your parents can offer and deciding how to move forward in a way that honors your own needs.

In this Q&A episode, Whitney answers real questions from callers about how to respond to parents who initiate contact, particularly when past behaviors have caused emotional pain with self-compassion, acceptance, and choosing a path that aligns with personal healing.

Tune in!

What You Will Learn:

  • [00:01 ] Intro and what in for you in today’s show 

  • [00:29 ] How to respond when a parent initiates contact without apologizing

  • [05:41 ] Accepting your parents: What they did, who they are, and what they can offer

  • [09:06 ] Accepting your parent resources 

  • [09:23 ] Walking the path of what was and is with acceptance 

  • [11:57 ] Wrap up and end of the show

Standout Quotes:

  • “You are allowed to feel the way you are feeling about it; you are allowed to give yourself time to process those feelings and decide what change you need to make from there.” [05:19 ]

  • There is no right path, but the path to healing starts with accepting what is, what your parent did, and what they can do.” [08:39 ]

  • “There is no guarantee that maintaining a relationship with a parent is going to fulfill you or going no contact with a parent is going to make your life better or easier; just walk the path that makes sense for you.” [13:22 ]                                          

  • “It's so important to expect people to be who they have been and be pleasantly surprised when they are not, don't expect them to be different than they always have been, because that's where you're going to get hurt and disappointed.” [10:59 ]

Let’s Connect

Have a question for Whitney? Call Home at 866-225-5466. 

Join Whitney’s Family Cycle Breakers Club for further support and discussion on family dynamics at Follow the Calling Home community on Instagram.

Click here to get “Toxic Positivity” on paperback. 

Follow Whitney Goodman on Instagram or TikTok.

The Calling Home podcast is not engaged in providing therapy services, mental health advice, or other medical advice or services, is not a substitute for advice from a qualified healthcare provider, and does not create any therapist-patient or other treatment relationship between you and Calling Home or Whitney Goodman. For more information on this, please see Calling Home’s Terms of Service. 

Mixing, editing, and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

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Q&A When My Dad Texts Me, It Makes Me Sick To My Stomach

Q&A When My Dad Texts Me, It Makes Me Sick To My Stomach
