DiscoverQuestion LaneQL12: The Dr. Thomas Shapiro Interview
QL12: The Dr. Thomas Shapiro Interview

QL12: The Dr. Thomas Shapiro Interview

Update: 2019-12-31


In this episode author and professor of law Dr. Thomas Shapiro discusses his book, Toxic Inequality: How America’s Wealth Gap Destroys Mobility, Deepens the Racial Divide, and Threatens Our Future

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Episode Length


Topics Covered


References Made


Topics Discussed

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on his motivation to research inequality

In part 1 Dr. Shapiro discusses his background and explains his motivation for researching and writing about inequality and race as a white male

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on the responses he receives

In part 2 Dr. Shapiro discusses the typical responses he receives from other white people when he presents his work on inequality and race

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on racism

In part 3 Dr. Shapiro defines the word racism as it is used within the context of his book Toxic Inequality

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on inequality

In part 4 Dr. Shapiro defines the word inequality as it is used within the context of his book Toxic Inequality

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on relationships and wealth

In part 5 Dr. Shapiro discusses a subject of his study who jokingly wished for a millionaire to rescue her from her financial woes and the effects this mentality has on the formation of stable relationships and the development of household wealth

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on the recession

In part 6 Dr. Shapiro discusses the extent to which mortgage holders received compensatory aid from the government when bailouts were being disbursed to mortgage companies and investment banks

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on education

In part 7 Dr. Shapiro discusses how some states penalize recipients of public assistance who save a portion of their income for their children’s education

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on minimum wage

In part 8 Dr. Shapiro discusses the effects that an increased minimum wage can have on struggling families as well as the macro economy

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on retirement

In part 9 Dr. Shapiro provides policy suggestions for public savings/retirement plans for low wage workers

Dr. Thomas Shapiro on college educated households

In part 10 Dr. Shapiro discusses why black college educated households are more likely to support their parents compared to white households

Dr. Shapiro on reparations

In part 11 Dr. Shapiro discusses reparations for black Americans who descend from the practice of slavery in the United States

Dr. Shapiro on the inequality trend

In part 12 Dr. Shapiro discusses the emergence of discussions on inequality and why the topic has become prevalent in economic/political discussions

References/resources mentioned

Dr. Shapiro

529 Plan

Black Wealth / White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality

Civil Rights Movement

Congressman John Conyers

Dr. Melvin Oliver

Family Self Sufficiency Program

Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis

Food Stamps


General Motors

Great Recession

Historically Black Colleges

KB Builders

Philander Smith College


Section 8


The Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Heller School for Social Policy and Management at
Brandeis University

Twitter: @tmshapiro

University of Wisconsin

Vietnam Anti War Movement



Alison Ackerman

Brandeis University

Cindy Breslin


Inland Empire


Patricia Arora

Toxic Inequality: How America’s Wealth Gap Destroys Mobility, Deepens the Racial Divide, and

Threatens Our Future

The post QL12: The Dr. Thomas Shapiro Interview appeared first on Question Lane.









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QL12: The Dr. Thomas Shapiro Interview

QL12: The Dr. Thomas Shapiro Interview

Question Lane