Quavering Voices Living In the Moment
Hershall, I trust that all is well with you... I hope we can hear from you soon but at least you're getting to hear from us. Today you will hear a bunch of valuable information (as always) such as: my huge apology, what it's like when the Deacon using his favorite service leading voice. We had some traveling talk where I revealed how I recently turned into a full blown mechanic and also noticed a very peculiar (big word) sight of an airplane in the sky (sort of)... We also talked about how much a recent message ministered to our deacon and song leader both so much that they took great efforts to change their lives! (Talk about revival, Hersh) That led to a discussion about how we should all live in the moment. So, when you get done listening to this, turn your earbuds off and go live in some moments. Also at the end Gen Z Boy told the world that I have some unfinished business from his childhood... Hint: involving a tree house (platform) Enjoy!
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Personalities on Pod'N Me
Pastor: Devin Birdsong
Deacon: Dustin Wakley
Songleader: Brad Cottrell
Hershall: Jud Ingram
News Anchor, Dink Burbank: Josh Smith
Gen Z Boy: Brooks Birdsong