DiscoverThe Leaky BucketRANK 57: We received a Negative Review! - Not a Client
RANK 57: We received a Negative Review! - Not a Client

RANK 57: We received a Negative Review! - Not a Client

Update: 2023-10-24


In this Episode Sam and I talked about one of the ODDEST SITUATION we have encountered in our Business Life. 

Time Stamps:

1:16 Leak of the Week: Receiving a Negative Review from a Non-Client -business owners, pick your clients!
7:52 Epic Win of the Week: Business Forecasting with one of our Clients
9:56 Pick of the Week: a wonderful book by KIM SCOTT about Honesty - Sam living it
15:57 Buzz of the Week: Contactless Payments - how does it affect us/others?
21:07 Peak Behind the Curtain: Backpacking in Belfast
23:55 Power Move of the Week: short trips could be AWESOME too!

Tune in on this 4th Episode of Season 4 with me and my lovely wife Sam and enjoy tackling different topics we share our knowledge with.

#businessowners #businesslife #badreview #leakoftheweek #businesshelppodcast #theleakybucketpodcast

Drop your email of topic suggestions, questions or anything at:

Hello. Welcome to the leaky bucket to podcast. I'm your host in Morgan, and I'm here to make accounting fun and practical. With over 15 years of experience as an accountant and a business owner, I'm excited to share tips and tricks that will help you improve your financial controls and gain the clarity that you need to succeed. 

So let's plug these financial leaks and take your business to the next level. Stay tuned for some great insights

Thanks so much for taking the time to join us for this episode today. We will continue to bring you great tips and tricks in future episodes. But if you can't wait until then, then you can always head over to our Facebook group and join the conversation with fellow business owners and entrepreneurs.  

Accounting Tips and Tricks Facebook Group -

Until Next Time...

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Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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RANK 57: We received a Negative Review! - Not a Client

RANK 57: We received a Negative Review! - Not a Client

Ian Morgan