6FU is back! And we're kicking off this series with a look at the planning, followed by character creation, for RENEGADE SCUM, a Star Wars miniseries played in Galactic 2e by Riley Rethal and The Scum and Vilainy Expansion by Jess Levine. In this episode we introduce ourselves and the game. Then, we have an open discussion on what Star Wars is and how we want our game to engage with it. Then, we help each other make characters and start populating our setting.
Now that we have a whole glaxy laid out, no small feat for a few hours' conversation, stay tuned for our adventures to begin. You can pick up all the game materials we talk about in this discounted bundle, good throug the end of May 2023:
Bones is played by Pauline Ragny
Grace Thoruson is played by Action Shakespeare
Izer Munn is played by Grant
Lash Alar is played by Vel Mini
Roger is played by Six Dettmar
Sediosi is played by Medibot
Music by Thylacinus; editing by Grant