Racial Inequity, BIPOC Sexuality & The Pleasure Revolution with Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons - Ep 201

Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons joins us for a conversation about the ways racial inequity hurts the sex lives of BIPOC folks. Although many view sex as an escape from the stresses of real-world issues and a common experience we all share -- it’s not that simple. Orgasms are not the great equalizer. Political, cultural, and systemic societal forces have everything to do with the ways we experience pleasure. Some of what we unpack in this episode:
- How the belief that only men who have money deserve sex impacts BIPOC communities
- The importance of distinguishing between pleasure worthiness & entitlement
- Why sex ed in schools & adult pleasure education are key
- Tips for navigating cultural pressures in relationships while prioritizing pleasure, boundaries & survival
- Why good sex can be an act of revolution & resistance
- How race, capitalism, and sex intersect in complex ways
- What we can do as allies & PoC to shift the culture, subvert systems & more
Guest Bio – Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons
Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons is an award-winning associate professor of counseling psychology at the University of Kentucky, where she studies sexual wellness and liberation. She is the host of F*ck the System: A Sexual Liberation Podcast and How to Love a Human, a liberation podcast that asks people with multiple marginalized identities what the world would be like if it loved them. She has published over 50 research articles and has been featured in the Huffington Post, the APA Monitor, Good Housekeeping, Women's Health, Blavity, Cosmopolitan, and the New York Times.
Episode 201 Helpful Links & Resources
- Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons Website www.DrCandiceNicole.com
- Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dr.candicenicole
- Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons Facebook https://www.facebook.com/drcandicenicole/
- Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons Twitter https://twitter.com/drcandicenicole
- F*ck the System: A Sexual Liberation Podcast https://m.youtube.com/@dr.candicenicole
- FTS Podcast on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@fts_podcast
- How to Love A Human Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-love-a-human/id1198383806
- Women Of Color Sexual Health Network https://www.wocshn.org/
- Sex Positive Families https://www.instagram.com/sexpositive_families
- Sunny’s Free Kink Negotiation & Scene Planning Mini-Workbook https://sunnymegatron.gumroad.com/l/negotiationwb
- Sunny Megatron TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
- American Sex Podcast Discord Community http://bit.ly/discordasp
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