Rajiv Malhotra shares his thoughts on the concept of ‘Intelligent Design.’
In this episode Rajiv Malhotra shares his thoughts on the concept of Intelligent Design. Rajiv Malhotra addressed the gathering at Indian Institute of Science on his latest book the Battle for Consciousness theory and also reflected upon his journey in the field of philosophy & science. In an engaging question & answer session, Rajiv Malhotra answered some curious and intriguing questions put forth by the audience.
Battle For Consciousness Theory : battleforconsciousnesstheory.com
Snakes in the Ganga - http://www.snakesintheganga.com
Varna Jati Caste - http://www.varnajaticaste.com
The Battle For IIT's - http://www.battleforiits.com
Power of future Machines - http://www.poweroffuturemachines.com
10 heads of Ravana - http://www.tenheadsofravana.com
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