DiscoverNetflix Is A Daily JokeRalph Barbosa: A Joke About Not Drinking
Ralph Barbosa: A Joke About Not Drinking

Ralph Barbosa: A Joke About Not Drinking

Update: 2024-08-121


The podcast delves into the host's personal journey with alcohol consumption, starting with their preference for a chill lifestyle and their efforts to reduce drinking. The host uses the analogy of being the only person without a child at a soccer game to describe the feeling of being out of place when not participating in a common activity, like drinking at a bar. They then share a story about a friend who quit drinking after therapy, believing that therapy helped him realize he doesn't actually enjoy alcohol and that his drinking habits were influenced by his father's behavior. The host explores the idea that childhood trauma might not directly lead to alcoholism but could potentially enhance the enjoyment of alcohol, comparing it to taste buds shifting after experiencing disappointment in childhood. Finally, the host connects the ability to drink whiskey without grimacing to a lack of a father figure in childhood, suggesting that those who grew up without a father might have a different relationship with alcohol.


Exploring Alcohol and Childhood Experiences

The podcast explores the complex relationship between childhood experiences, alcohol consumption, and personal preferences, using anecdotes and analogies to illustrate how past trauma can influence our enjoyment of alcohol. The host shares their own journey with alcohol, discussing their preference for a chill lifestyle and their efforts to reduce drinking. They also use the analogy of being the only person without a child at a soccer game to describe the feeling of being out of place when not participating in a common activity, like drinking at a bar.

Therapy and Alcohol Consumption

The host shares a story about a friend who quit drinking after therapy, believing that therapy helped him realize he doesn't actually enjoy alcohol and that his drinking habits were influenced by his father's behavior. This story highlights the potential impact of therapy on alcohol consumption and the role of childhood experiences in shaping our relationship with alcohol.

Childhood Trauma and Alcohol Appreciation

The host explores the idea that childhood trauma might not directly lead to alcoholism but could potentially enhance the enjoyment of alcohol, comparing it to taste buds shifting after experiencing disappointment in childhood. This section delves into the complex connection between past experiences and our current preferences, suggesting that childhood trauma can influence our relationship with alcohol in unexpected ways.


Alcohol Consumption

The act of consuming alcoholic beverages, often associated with social gatherings, relaxation, and cultural norms.

Childhood Trauma

Experiences in childhood that can have a lasting impact on an individual's emotional and psychological well-being, potentially influencing their relationship with alcohol.


A process of working with a therapist to address mental health issues, explore personal challenges, and develop coping mechanisms.

Father Figure

A male role model who provides guidance, support, and influence in a child's life, often impacting their development and perspectives.

Social Drinking

The act of consuming alcohol in a social setting, often associated with socializing, relaxation, and cultural norms.

Alcohol Appreciation

The enjoyment and appreciation of alcoholic beverages, potentially influenced by personal experiences, cultural factors, and individual preferences.


  • How does the host feel about their own energy levels?

    The host describes themselves as low-energy and prefers a chill lifestyle.

  • What analogy does the host use to describe the feeling of being out of place when not drinking at a bar?

    The host compares it to being the only person without a child at a kid's soccer game.

  • What does the host's friend believe about his drinking habits after therapy?

    The friend believes that therapy helped him realize he doesn't actually enjoy alcohol and that his drinking habits were influenced by his father's behavior.

  • How does the host connect childhood trauma to alcohol appreciation?

    The host suggests that childhood trauma might not directly lead to alcoholism but could potentially enhance the enjoyment of alcohol, comparing it to taste buds shifting after experiencing disappointment in childhood.

  • How does the host connect the ability to drink whiskey without grimacing to childhood experiences?

    The host suggests that those who grew up without a father figure might have a different relationship with alcohol, potentially explaining their ability to enjoy strong drinks without discomfort.

Show Notes

Ralph Barbosa jokes about not drinking in his Netflix special, "Cowabunga".









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Ralph Barbosa: A Joke About Not Drinking

Ralph Barbosa: A Joke About Not Drinking
