Randall Carlson Explains Climate Change, Science vs. Mythology, and Cosmic Impactors
Matt and Randall share their perspective on something particularly relevant to the Space Force community: the potential threat that we face from cosmic impactors.
Randall explains the considerable evidence to support environmental and climatic disruption occurring because of cosmic impacts, how they have shaped Earth's history, and whether we should be worried about a cosmic impact happening soon.
Matt and Randall also discuss how mythology and ancient tradition can inform modern science and potentially fill some of its gaps, the truth about climate change, and the cosmic destiny of humanity.
Tune in now to learn more!
Key Takeaways
- Climate change, science vs. mythology, and cosmic impacts explained (00:00 )
- Why our ancestors were so obsessed with the heavens (01:47 )
- How ancient traditions can inform modern science (08:47 )
- Why science has ignored the role of cosmic impacts in Earth's history (12:52 )
- Why climate change has always been a cyclic process (27:27 )
- Should we be worried about the threat of cosmic impactors? (1:02:48 )
- Is there a periodicity to catastrophic events? (1:18:12 )
- How ancient traditions can inform modern science (1:33:20 )
- Is science at odds with Christianity? (1:49:41 )
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the Irresistible Revolution
This episode is brought to you by One Sunrise.
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