Ray Harrington - Undependent
Ray Harrington is a filmmaker, comedian, and a great dude to have a chat with. We talked about his life growing up surrounded by women, his start in comedy with a guitar as a shield after an epic bombing, and how a chance run in at a film festival changed everything for him. Ray made his late night television debut on Conan right before the lock down, and has spent his quarantine collecting accolades and awards for the hilarious webseries Undependent.
So pour yourself some Burly Beverage to fulfill your two drink minimum and enjoy hearing two comedians talk shop for awhile. (There’s a discount code in the episode to save you 15% AT www.burlybeverages.com )
Find Ray Here:
FB- facebook.com/rayharringtonpersonalpage
IG- https://www.instagram.com/rayharringtoncomedy/
Website- www.RayHarringtonComedy.com