DiscoverThe A to Z of SexReboot: Y is for Yoni
Reboot: Y is for Yoni

Reboot: Y is for Yoni

Update: 2019-05-13


Please enjoy again: Y is for Yoni

Hi everyone!  Welcome to the A to Z of Sex.  I’m Dr Lori Beth and I am your host.  We are working our way through the erotic alphabet one letter at a time.  Just a reminder this podcast deals with adult content, so if you don’t have total privacy, you might want to put on your headphones. Today the letter is Y and Y is for Yoni. 

Yoni is a term that comes from Sanskrit and means womb, uterus, vagina, vulva, abode and source.  In Hindu philosophy, Yoni is the beginning of life.

Joining me today to talk about all things Yoni is Michele Brookhaus.

Michele Brookhaus RSHom(NA), CCH, passionately embraces her mission as Yoni whisperer and soother of all things feminine. As Creator of Yoni Bliss, a homeopathic medicinal as well as a personal exploration and healing of both the physical and metaphysical vulva/womb, she fiercely acknowledges the power of the Yoni to direct and defend woman’s innate creativity and capacity for unbounded pleasure, wisdom and satisfaction.

20 years a homeopath and healer she studies with world renowned teachers in the fields of homeopathy, energy healing, neurolinguistic programming and other modalities. She loves honing her skills and is a healer of healers and mentor of mentors.

As a thought leader picked up by Huffington Post, Prevention, the Good Men Project, as well as Thought Catalogue, The Vaccine Reaction and Yahoo Parenting, she is tickled to find herself on the forefront of women’s empowerment, helping women remember and find the truth in, and the possibility of pleasure, fun and satisfaction.

 Yoni Bliss chose her as CEO (chief exhilaration officer),  because she has come to KNOW that enough is enough. Her own Yoni has rooted her in this knowing. And so she offers not just a product, but classes, retreats, individual sessions both virtually and in person for women wishing to know this for themselves. Sensual, Wise, Satisfied, that’s her call to you. 

Michele lives in the Pacific Northwest, and her 23 year old inspirational son does too (though far enough away so she doesn’t bug him too much0  She loves Bikram yoga, Salsa dancing, and listening to her Yoni.

Welcome to the show!

We started by talking about the idea of Yoni as source and how it is so important to be connected into the yoni.  We spoke about this being the centre for women and that this is the location of the root chakra.  Yoni is centre of creativity and of balance and that this applies whether or not a woman has children.

We spoke about the lack of rites of passage in modern times and how the information that would have been passed on about sex and pleasure in the past through these rites is often not being passed on.  We spoke about the importance of these rites in transitions and how new ones might be created.  We talked a lot about dealing with the grief often held in the Yoni and Michele said that she chose her remedies in Yoni’s Bliss to focus on grief and irritability.

Michele spoke about the wise woman crone and how that image has changed as we are now living longer and how important it is that we teach younger women and lead by example.  

Michele can be found at


Twitter: @yonisbliss

Michele offers a free 20 minute consultation to see if a VIP (very important pussy) day is in order.

Thanks for joining me this week for the A to Z of Sex. Write in with your questions to and visit both websites and to learn how to awaken your authenticity, arouse your sexuality and ignite your desire.

For a free 30 minute session with me, head over to and click on the button that says ‘book now’.

If you have enjoyed this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes and/or Sticher and please subscribe! Join me next week when the letter will be Z.  









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Reboot: Y is for Yoni

Reboot: Y is for Yoni

Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey - A to Z of Sex