DiscoverThe Big LeapReinvent Yourself or Rust Out: Break the Monotony and Reignite Your Passion
Reinvent Yourself or Rust Out: Break the Monotony and Reignite Your Passion

Reinvent Yourself or Rust Out: Break the Monotony and Reignite Your Passion

Update: 2023-04-06


Today, Mike and Gay are talking about a term that Gay invented to describe the slow leeching of joy from an activity or from life. 😳

It’s called “Rusting Out.”

We all know what burnout is, but Rusting Out is a different beast entirely. It happens when you resist the call of your genius and go through the same motions day after day after day.

That sounds like a slow, painful death to Mike.

Gay shares some real-life stories about how rust out affects even the biggest artists who struggle to get on stage and sing the same song for 30, 40, or even 50 years. Can you imagine doing the same thing day in and day out for that long?

But don't worry, this episode isn't just about the doom and gloom of rusting out. Mike and Gay also tell you how to avoid it and keep reinventing yourself.

They'll share their best tips for breaking out of your routine and doing something new every day, even if it's as simple as brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand or taking a new route to work.

So don't rust out, friends! Listen to this week’s episode and start busting out of your comfort zone. You never know where it might take you.

Key Takeaways

  • (02:04 ) What IS Rusting Out?
  • (05:18 ) The biggest soul killer
  • (09:44 ) The same damned thing over and over again
  • (22:14 ) How Bonnie Raitt and Tony Bennett reinvent themselves
  • (24:34 ) What is the brain looking for?

Additional Resources









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Reinvent Yourself or Rust Out: Break the Monotony and Reignite Your Passion

Reinvent Yourself or Rust Out: Break the Monotony and Reignite Your Passion

Gay Hendricks & Mike Koenigs