Remembering the Roy Green Show - The first anniversary of 9/11
On September 11, 2002, the first anniversary of 9/11, we took the show to New York City for a Corus radio network broadcast where we rented studio space at WOR radio. Americans repeatedly told us how grateful they were Canadians had come to share the day with them. RGS producer Rick Zamperin and I walked the perimeter of St. Paul's Chapel, across the street from where the World Trade Center buildings had stood. St. Paul's was undamaged in the terror attack and thousands of people had placed memorial messages on the iron fence surrounding the chapel. One in particular remains seared in memory. A piece of cardboard on which, in a child's writing, were the words "I love you Daddy." - Rick decided to engage on his adventures in NYC where there was concern of a possible repeat terror attack. He attended a NY Yankees game and visited the observation deck of the Empire State Building.
Our first guest on the national broadcast was former prime minister Brian Mulroney.
Guest: Rick Zamperin, Former Producer of the Roy Green Show and former host of Good Morning Hamilton on 900 CHML
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