Rent a Goat: Turning Goatscaping into a Thriving Business
Delve into the business of goat landscaping, also known as targeted grazing, goatscaping, and even rent-a-goat. In this business, your herd is hired by a landowner to clear off an overgrown plot of land. This has the potential to create a triple win as the goats could get some great browse, the landowner is able to clear land in a holistic way, and you can pocket some extra cash.
Today, Margaret Chamas, the affiliate network support person for Goats on the Go, is joining us to cover the ins and outs of this intriguing and potentially lucrative market. She discusses the number of goats you need to get started, startup costs, overhead costs that may surprise you, and what you can expect to charge for your services.
She also covers potential pitfalls such as seeing your herd’s body condition slip when the available browse is lower in quality, dealing with escaping goats, and the most difficult part of the job.
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