DiscoverMind Love • Modern Mindfulness to Think, Feel, and Live WellRising Above Darkness: Suicide Prevention and Building Resilient Minds with Niyc Pidgeon • 372
Rising Above Darkness: Suicide Prevention and Building Resilient Minds with Niyc Pidgeon • 372

Rising Above Darkness: Suicide Prevention and Building Resilient Minds with Niyc Pidgeon • 372

Update: 2024-10-291


We will learn:

  • How positive psychology techniques can be applied to prevent suicide and improve overall mental health.

  • Practical strategies, including Niyc's "333 system," that you can start using today to build resilience and cope with life's challenges.

  • The importance of creating meaningful connections and how small daily actions can make a significant difference in mental well-being.

Have you ever noticed how we tend to avoid talking about suicide until it's too late? It's a topic that many of us shy away from, perhaps because it's uncomfortable, or maybe because we think it won't touch our lives. But the truth is, it affects more of us than we realize.

The thing is, when it comes to suicide, we often tell ourselves that hindsight is 20/20. We say, "If only we had known, we could have done something." But is that really true? Or is it just a comforting lie we tell ourselves to ease the pain of loss and helplessness?

The reality is, we don't have to wait for hindsight. We can take action now. We can learn to recognize the signs, to have those difficult conversations, to create environments where people feel safe opening up about their struggles.

But it's not just about recognizing when someone is in crisis. It's about building a society where mental health is prioritized, where seeking help is normalized, and where we all have the tools to support ourselves and each other through life's challenges.

Our guest today is Niyc Pidgeon, an award-winning Positive Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Business Mentor, and author of the book, "One More Day." She is the Founder of The Positive Psychology Coach Academy CertificationⓇ Program and is on a mission to help a billion people become more mentally healthy.

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Rising Above Darkness: Suicide Prevention and Building Resilient Minds with Niyc Pidgeon • 372

Rising Above Darkness: Suicide Prevention and Building Resilient Minds with Niyc Pidgeon • 372

Melissa Monte | Mindset Mentor