Road Show! Common Threads Quilt Guild - Gainesville, TX
Update: 2024-07-20
This week, the girls went to Gainesville, Texas to hang out with some new friends at the Common Threads Quilt Guild. Wow! The hospitality was off the charts! Just what you would expect from some amazing quilters in the beautiful state of Texas. The laughter, food, and even singing. You are going to enjoy this one. There is nothing quite like a live show and hanging out with 50 fabulous women in the south! Sit back, relax and enjoy the LIVE show from Gainesville, Texas!
Follow Leslie on Instagram at @leslie_quilts and Rochelle at @doughnutwarrior
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I would take a picnic quilt from Jenny do I would take anything from Jenny do I
would take I would take a washcloth you know what I would eat sitting on her
porch eating lunch with her and when I drop my cookie on the floor yeah should have
picked it up to eat it but didn't do it what'd you do with it left it on the floor
you left it on her porch welcome to the inappropriate quilters podcast where we
talk about life, quilting and we throw in a few inappropriate things I'm your
host Leslie Bercher along with my inappropriate friend and co-host Rocha Rice
so sit back relax and enjoy the show
ready all right here we go in appropriate quilters are our speakers today we are
all here to celebrate I hope you all wore your pearls hey hey hey they came
from Tulsa Oklahoma we all know you'll have some FOMO that needs fear of
mission now strangers that became friends you see they bring joy to you and me
oh Leslie and Rochelle they have so many things to tell their podcast started in
April 2022 over a hundred shows for me and you welcome to Gainesville Texas
how many drugs how many threads Quill Guild we welcome you thank you for being
here today oh my gosh that is awesome okay so I'm sitting here looking out Leslie
and I need to point out a couple of things they're going here okay yeah so number one
I know that there's a very naughty person in the second row middle oh oh and
how do I know she's naughty because she's crocheting she's knitting that's
a no I can't see oh she's there she is getting generally the naughty girls have to
bring something to keep themselves on task because even though they're
listening and enjoying this they're gonna peep out and pop out and do
something I know it's sister you can't say it's true it's true you might be the
naughty one in the group I think she's a naughty one in the group she never
ready to know that but we don't know your name but she's just a naughty one right
here's left-hand side second row you know who you are you guys all know who she is
to and and and what do you notice that something that would be the second
thing that I would be noticing from here every single person here is wearing
pearls yep girls and pearls girls and pearls that's the way it goes you guys know
how to do it appropriately even if you're a little inappropriate yeah we know
how to dress appropriately that's right and you know I am directionally illiterate
as you know yes and so I was I all I have to say is I was saved by the donut
gods today donuts donut gods so you know Texas on my way to Texas okay you know I'm
gonna get there you know you gotta give me my say yes so you got this I'm gonna have
to go through Sepulpa did you have to go through Sepulpa from your house no oh wait yes
I did okay did you go through Sepulpa proper or just on the outskirts because you know
it's all proper proper okay so on the way that's a lot to say it isn't with Botox
lips it's really tough so you know you're lucky you got that from that's true so what's
sure there's there's the dollar or not the dollar store the bread store that's
there yeah okay okay and and did you stop yes because because you're making so much
sourdough lately yeah I know I wanted to be out of the sourdough but why would you
stop at a bread store when you're making your own because I wanted a donut and and I
didn't want to stop at the donut shop I thought you know I could stop and and
remember I am leading from Texas to go to Tennessee oh that's right you know I'm flying
out you guys you don't know this but I'm flying to Tennessee on Wednesday morning 5 am the
other team I've got two T's going here so anyway I thought well I could stop and I could
pick up a bag of donuts which are not gonna be gluten free no you know have you lost
your mind and I wanted the ones with the toasted coconut because I wanted everybody
to be able to enjoy have you been sick today no because I okay so I pull in there and
I think they're going to open at nine o'clock right it's nine 18 okay I think I'm golden I
pull in they don't open till nine thirty and I can see the person standing there and I'm
like and they won't let you in why wouldn't you open the door to get two dollars and thirty
eight cents what is wrong you know I need your two dollars so I went ahead and I got out
and I got it that's best this is a beautiful drive oh my gosh so fantastic I mean so good I mean
you know I've been like up the street for the last few days and husband and I decided to bring
the camper yeah and that's been awesome because I was able to get tons of stuff done in the camper
that I don't normally like normally we're just like we're just doing that no like installing
like high tech you know me I love all the techie stuff and I found these these things that you
could this thing you stick in your trailer that'll tell you if you're level or not from
your phone oh it's a big deal y'all like if you can just go oh you're not level so we don't have
that right or your bathroom drawers like swinging it won't take you try to take a shower and then
all the water comes out of the shower because you're the wrong way the floor floods I don't think
that would happen but they could you don't know because you might not have an adult beverage and you
didn't know wasn't level in your shower and it's like oh gosh was it the adult that is true I know
now that you said I know I got that is true no but I was able to get all that done I was able to hang
my shower caddy I mean you need a shower caddy in your in your shower yes I don't need to be rummaging
through cabinets and stuff when I just need to get my my soap so so do you leave your toothbrushes
in there or do you guys take them out of the house I mean do you have a full equip bathroom that has
like fully equipped so you have toothbrushes both yeah I don't want to wash toilet paper every time
q tips yeah nose why did you do you put q tips up your nose you do I only use them to clean my ears
they're really good for your nose too okay hang on I will take a poll how many of you use a q tip
first of all you do you use q tips raise your hand or other kind because q tips is a name brand
do you use a cotton swab okay it doesn't whatever we just gave you use a cotton q tips of a big I'm sure
we're gonna get sued by them too and they need to pay us for it yeah yeah we'll get a letter next
week yes next week they're gonna say okay how many use it in your nose thank you okay there's one
weirdo in the great it's okay so when you've got a book you're gonna use your finger no I use a
Kleenex a tissue yeah thank you very much so you use a tissue on your finger and put it up your nose
yeah this is much bigger than a cotton swab so you can get in there and you're enough it's just
better it's a show when I there are 44 lovely ladies here tonight and only one person is like you
the rest of them are the rest of them are afraid to actually say that they do this I just don't
think that's true well you know we all have our own opinions okay so so then you did all your high
techy things I did do all my high techy things we we and John he got a blackstone grill yeah for the
camper and well I got it for him for Christmas and I keep expecting that he's going to season it
and do the things and it just kept sitting in the box and I'm like what's happening here you know
when she said John you need to get that grill out this weekend I did that in the truck of course
that gets in the truck but you're quilted but my quilts did not only one and it's because he brings
his quilt with him everywhere he goes and before she goes take a guess which quilt do you think
is the one that John brings with him your point your point I got to use some words people
pointing there's four of them up which the American flags yeah yeah yes that is his and he loves this
it's very well loved but it was a Lisa Bonjean American gatherings quilt and if you want to take
a peek at it the the pieces are like itty bitty and I think we were we were sewing together we were
right we were on that one and you were like Leslie Leslie was gonna take let me tell the story
because this is better for so Leslie was looking at this piece and she says I'm not going to do this
there to me a little pieces I was gonna swap that block out and I said Leslie I know you well enough
if you take that and you swap that out you will forever look at that block and think
I didn't do it the way it should have been done you're right you're right is what she said you're
right so we get the glue out oh we glue anchor go or acorn glue acorn glue and he's do you have
you'll use the acorn piecing glue oh lord oh yeah you haven't yeah need to get it you're missing out
because it makes your piecing so much easier so acorn do they pay us for that I think they do just
kidding they do not uh they're not gonna sue us well we want to hold much downloads therefore
acorn precision glue it makes your piecing just especially when you're dealing with little
pieces it makes it so much easier so if you want to look at this quilt here in front of my
foot this is art east so placed like home and when you look at how teeny tiny those pieces are
couldn't have done that was not paper pieced that was all traditional pieced with
acorn glue and a lot of those pieces now I understand that some of you took a judy knee mire paper
piece in class and you guys were like ready to do something else but we can't say it's for sure the
one off to the right here that's the tulip pink that is a judy knee mire pattern that was just
done with all paper piecing because I am the queen of the paper piece I love to paper piece and then
this quilt that's here Leslie who likes to finish a quilt she will start she will start a quilt on
on the after in the morning yeah this is my 10 year quilt I worked on this quilt for 10 years and
I'm okay to say that I worked on it for 10 years Leslie is not she said oh yeah she's going to show
you this here so I did bring this yes I've been working on this for one of my friends who just
retired she goes to Hawaii all the time and my friend Rochelle I said hey you're going to be in Hawaii
teaching grab me some boutique some Hawaiian boutiques because I'm going to make she had brought me a
Hawaiian book from I mean she brought it back from Hawaii for me and so I found this pattern in there
and I was like oh I'm going to make a pillow for because she just retired and she will love it and
so I'm gonna try my hand at needle turn I loved it and I didn't think I would love it she who has
her rang me forever over yeah turning all of this and carrying all of it and I cannot believe you like
do that all needle turn out Rochelle you were crazy crazy but I love it she does a little bit like
I'm excited to get she to start mine yes you thought I should keep this one it's the first one
that she's made and I said she should keep that one because it's her first one right but and I said
she should make a second one for her friend that's her second one because your first one you always
want to keep it so you can see where your progress how much better you got do you see all these
heads not only these people are saying where they do not group of selfish women I'm just
actually what it's coming down to is Leslie says I tell you all that I like to do this but I really
don't know if I like it enough to do it again no I love it I'm gonna do it again I'm gonna do another
one because you bought me I did what five yards I think well you say you bought me I did pay you did pay
me for but you brought me I did actually buy it for you but then you paid me for it that's correct so
then weren't you guys this is what so funny you know she tells me this and I know I'm at the quilt shop
and she says hey you need to get me some boutiques and and I'm thinking okay you know I'm not a
boutique lover but okay you know I'm not either I know this is this and so this makes it very hard
for both of us so I'm standing in the store and it's the Vicky's quilt shop in Quai Huai and that's
where I teach all the time and so I'm in the store Kapa Kapalua or something yeah but it's Quai's
the island so you know Kapa Kapa is so I'm standing in there and I have my phone and and we're face
timing yeah now they're starting to get busy in there but people have seen me in in the shop you
know they're they want to take they want to touch me you know that's a whole different oh my gosh
you cannot have any don't try to hug her she'll hug you but don't come in for the hug
yeah her come for the hug yeah I'll hug y'all day long and come for come if you want a hug I'm your
gal I'm a hugger she's not a hugger but she will hug you because then she gets to set the time
of how long she hugs you otherwise it gets awkward for her and then she wants to go and it's not
you it's not you it's me it's it's it's all me we have tons of discussions where are we going
of this you're getting touched and how I so so anyway I know this because they're bringing in there's
a bus that's coming through and they're going to do photo ops with it because you know it's not
every day that you know Hawaii gets an inappropriate quilted and so you know so I'm standing there
and we're pulling out this fabric and I start piling up all different no no get that one over
here get this one get that one get this one so we get out five different fabrics yeah because
we're face timing we're face timing and I'm like oh I like that blue one go back that no the one
with the whales on it no no the one with the gold specs in it so so we couldn't decide so we just
got a bunch of fun so I'm gonna switch this off here because you guys I love readers so I had
cataract surgery done back in January and I don't know the rest of you guys have done this but I have
opted to have distance instead of close stuff because you know I mean I work on a long arm and a
light table all day long so I don't care if I wear readers and and they have really great readers
that are out there but I want to be able to see from Oklahoma to Texas in a straight line and I can do
that now thank goodness that I had this surgery done that was cataract yeah when I had my cataracts done
okay but you know I also had the whole done but that was done before the cataract oh you had all kinds
of problems so anyway because I love readers and I generally match my readers to whatever person
I happen to be around doing things with and stuff so Leslie Leslie doesn't like most of my readers
she's like ah no it's so nobody else gets to see this but look at this pair today
it looks like the brownies over there with the pearls on it is so I kind of did it with pearls but
anyway I need to read this out to us because this is what Leslie and I generally do so it says
hi ladies I don't know if you remember me but I wrote to you a while ago about how you helped me deal
with my mom's Alzheimer's I wanted to thank you again I quickly learned that after a visit with my mom
in the memory care facility I didn't like being alone with my thoughts on the drive home I started
saving your podcast to play during that drive it helped sort of the problem was I wasn't really
dealing with anything just distracting myself from it and then you both dealt with your own tragedies
I am so far sorry for you and your pain and I keep you both in my prayers I want to thank you for
your openness because you shared your hurt because you talked about working with it and through it
I think I realized that I need to do that with my own I'm getting close to needing to say goodbye to
mom it's going to be hard but with the blessings of the family and you too my quilty friends Rochelle said
that she'd be mine I think I'll be able to let mom go but in non the enclosed my dad's a way of
dealing has been to spend time in his workshop we are all running out of space for tables and benches
so I showed him some quilt clappers he researched them thoroughly including the importance of weight
and created his own I now have six of these with more on the way I can't think of anyone better to
share them with than you too I know that you already have your own so if these aren't anything you need
I'd be delighted for you to pass them on to someone who can use them a couple of notes dad took the
weight thing very seriously so each of these has a lead core it's perfectly safe as long as you
don't break them open and lick it as you know that knows that's something that I would do just just
do it you would he would be like I would let him hear let me lick that can I get led poisoning they say
they say lead tastes sweet so he melted his old scuba diving weights so it's since he doesn't die
want to do it anymore without mom second I thought the wood is I'm told the wood is walnut the white
canary wood from South Africa the brown red heart the orange and purple heart purple surprise
love to you both when I count my blessings I always include you and this is from Kelly and she's
cranky bird on in a bar on Instagram so we have been you know working in and out with Kelly here
on things and that breaks my heart this one says Rochelle oh my gosh this one says Leslie oh
so now we can open them well we'll open them with all of you oh my gosh how lovely and they are
weighted they are they're quite heavy look at how pretty pretty pretty that oh my gosh three
different woods that's fantastic and Kelly I am going to tell you that oh my gosh I am not
gifting this to anybody else because it's so pretty I think it would really really but I think
I will also use it it's I will use this this is fantastic and it's a nice way so okay you guys can
come and check these out afterwards Kelly thank you so much shelly pretty so sweet and we'll be
praying for you to absolutely oh my gosh that's fantastic okay so you know while you were talking
about the things you are doing on the trailer this weekend so my husband has been home for five days
oh no and he's missing his row row he's missing some row does he call you row row now he calls me
Rochelle yeah only only your best is only my bullet in your life you know all you row row sometimes I
think he because he thinks it's funny he calls me shelly and I'm like what is shelly yeah yeah that's
a ruler yeah that's like did you tell him only your own yeah yeah as a ruler liking it that's the
ruler from angelus oh yeah that's me that's right I was going to say that's probably why
that ruler was named I'm like what are you talking about it well I don't know that it was but you tell
her buddy it was angelus as it was too I think angelus just says that to make you happy well she probably
does because she's a good friend she is so so Lance has stopped making Cambucha why well because he decided
that we had too much Cambucha and we're not drinking it enough so he got rid of it but guess what he's
making now I don't know hey let me guess hang on let me guess uh moonshine no yogurt
so we've got because so so I I was like I think moonshine would be more fun yeah but you know
that caught that would cause some drink and I wouldn't like that so you know sure so one of the other
reasons that he stopped making the Cambucha is you know my garage refrigerator went out did I tell
you that yes okay so okay this is and the nasty and I am so happy you were home because you know one
of the things that I donned on me when I started kind of taking inventory of what I needed to purchase
that was went out in that freezer yeah so you know we make all of our own dog food and so one of the
things that we buy a lot is beef liver and it comes it comes in a sylophane thing like this you know
so it's beef liver okay and as a heated up in there it's been one to throw up okay it's gonna get
it's kind of like my it's kind of like my black tank and my RV yeah that well this stuff blew up
and up and up and then oh yeah so I would have just I would have just put the whole refrigerator on
the trailer and I would have just driven it to the recycle you know you could just put it on the
curb somebody would come get it we don't have trash pick about where we live no peeps people would
just come and get it Leslie exploded beef liver can you imagine the smell yeah you'd be surprised
what people pick up yeah so so what's just true like I I was cleaning out my garage one day and
this guy came up and he's like and I'm like oh no no no no we're not having a garage cell which he
didn't understand English but it was fine but he's like you you don't have in my husband's like
wait a minute we got some things yeah I'm like I don't think that's really we're not what do we
doing he goes I want to get rid of this this this do you want this this fridge does not work it was
like a small fridge it was a wine cooler fridge didn't work guys said yeah take it so why'd you
keep a not working refrigerator we were gonna get rid of it but we just kept throwing it out in the
garage stuff out in the garage people do that oh I thought maybe I thought maybe you'd put jelly
rolls in it or something what I don't know could have been cute no it was like a wine cooler yeah
isn't glass but it's not cute okay you would have had doors that you could have seen through it okay
have you seen my room yeah but I've seen some other stuff that you put things in no who does this
oh well like what uh like the I don't know I don't know anything it'll come to me no you won't
okay I have it's cute stuff so moving a wine cooler is not cute okay so he's making yogurt yeah
so so that's the new thing now is that he makes yogurt but when he threw out the refrigerator
cleaned everything out my starter for my sourdough is in there so I was of course like oh man but I
mean I mean but it wouldn't it would have been bad anyway right no because you can leave this
sourdough starter out on your counter for forever and why would you put it in there anyway because
it slows down it and then you don't have to feed it every all the time so there's there's a reason
for this is your fault we've talked about this yeah so I was it's because you travel too much yeah
and you can't trust Lance to feed your sourdough starter yeah so you just don't need to travel as much
well that's not going to happen and I was very fortunate that I had a little tiny bit of sourdough
water because when I have a jar that empties I put water in there did it feed it well I had that
did you feed it I had that in the refrigerator in the house okay so do you did you feed that I did
and has it had you say didn't you see my last two loads that I showed you the pictures of today
yeah the sandwich yeah yeah yeah look right so so because there was enough gluten in it so yes but no
that doesn't make sense so it does have gluten but it's a lower gluten than what you get with
regular bread and then I buy European wheat that I hear the word European I go back to being a 12
year old boy I know I know you do you're a pig I know there you go but you'd be a pig you'd be
European European of the joke now now you're going to go on the other one about you know we could go
stop jokes from there so the other thing my husband has decided that he's going to do on these
five days off is he's painting my house the inside no the outside now remember I live in a brick home
is he going to paint the brick no he's going to paint the trim yeah and you know how tall my house is
and I know how short your husband is so he has a 20 how's he planning to do that he has a
24 foot is that safe well okay so we have these big huge stakes that he got the tractor out drilled
holes put these stakes down has it here and here and then he has the the ladder stakes like would not
like me no stakes like metal gotcha they're going to be so so those are on the side and then he has
the way that the ladder comes out and then it's roped around here so it's going to stay here and then
he has it up here and then he has his harnesses do you have insurance on this man I do and I said
Tim okay I said you know something Lance I said why did you decide to paint this and he said I said
I thought you were going to get a contract route he said I did and when they told me it was so he's
like I said oh hey I'm not paying that amount of money he said and I said okay you don't have to
pay that amount of money so he's doing it himself so then he says to me I need you to come out here
and hold the ladder while I do this other part if your house is brick it can't have it's not that much
trim it's really tall really way up there and then we have that other part for Shell is he really this
sheep he is he's just he's just like then he deserves it let him well so I do what's your problem with
this well because he needed me to be out there helping and it's hot you know it's going to be hot
why does this have to happen today did you ask him that nope you know I wouldn't so so I said okay
I said but Lance I said I'm going to be out of town and I have a whole bunch of stuff that I need to
get finished and he said well I'd really appreciate it if you would come do this with me and I said okay
and then he gets out there and I'm holding and he goes and you know something I think I changed my
mind and the color I want to do here so we don't have to do this yet because he was going to do the
gutters he's going to also brush the gutters because yeah because you need the gutters to match right
well no they're a different color they're they're they're a lighter color and he doesn't want them to
be white because they're always going to look do you care I do actually care about that okay so I
did want them painted a different color than what he had chose for them so okay does he care about
the color no he didn't care and that's why he chose the color he had I cared so he switched it to
because you know like I say most things I don't care about that was something that I did care about
so so did he start oh yeah so he has so I hear this I'm up in the long arm room and I hear this
dome dome and I'm thinking what is that all I'm wondering is has his because you know he's he's
harnessed up yeah I'm thinking did did he fall off the ladder and his feet are hitting the wall like
you know you're telling kind of thing and I'm thinking I think I'm thinking like Chevy Chase and
Christmas vacation so I'm thinking myself do I want to go out now or do I want to finish this line
here so I decide I would go out well it's because you know his his wing spread isn't that no he's a
very small man so if you all if you think think everybody close your eyes and think of a very small
man in your mind a little person he's way smaller okay go little person so he says I'm painting here
but then I have to get down off the ladder and then I have to move it but it's you know really
tall and really heavy so then you move it here and he has these special construction things but you
were home I was home but I'm I'm in the room I'm on the wall that he's painting okay but you were
home yes but you were not out there spotting him doing this no because he has his harnesses and
everything else on that area because that's not the hard that's not the higher and you know if you
have a harness off if you fall you're not going to get hurt you're just gonna be dangling yeah
you just need to like a Christmas ornament to move the ladder over so you can get on the ladder
and get off so okay but the color that he chose to do the house on looks pretty darn good okay oh
Leslie Leslie Leslie I heard this on the radio okay and the first thing I heard on the radio will
talk about that after you think we can talk about that okay okay fashion week came out okay how
much I love fashion week oh gosh guess what is the number one thing in fashion week that is back
fell bottoms no something that you poo poo me overdoing um I don't know
wearing some pair of underwear one I don't do that when socks with sandals absolutely it's back
however they change rules a little bit no so they have to be crew socks they can't be the no show socks
it's crew socks so you know crew socks who cares it's wrong okay according to fashion week and not
it's on fashion week who are these people hello you know I am a trendsetter and it's one of the things
there so so anyway it's you are a trendsetter I mean look we were able to get all these people
to wear pearls clearly in one clearly everybody could one hundred percent of the room clearly it's true
it is true brown shwager I don't know if Texas ran out of brown shwager but they did in Oklahoma
because we talked about how much we love brown shwager we do okay who who doesn't like brown shwager
yeah liver oh everybody's like okay it's raise your hand if you like brown shwager
it's what is it it's work liver oh my gosh they're getting ready to run out of it in the grocery stores
everybody go get your brown shwager Texas is gonna be out of brown shwager oh she's wearing a quilting
is my therapy t-shirts oh yeah shout out to Angela oh that's our girl I love sorry I just happened
to see that I don't know how I missed it did you see that I did see that oh my gosh that's so fantastic
it's liver worse it's fantastic listen it sounds more delicious it sounds worse than it tastes it's
delicious but now how she makes it is really fancy it's really gross no it is not so yes it is you
take cream cheese and and your and your brown shwager and you grate up onions and then you put garlic
with it in salt and pepper and you make a liver pop day oh you guys it is you know you don't know what
you're okay that's not what you that's not how you told me you make it you told me you put something
else in it what was it on a sandwich or something well when I used to doing my sandwich no I put
that on a cracker because we were cracker and toast and which one do I use yeah yeah yeah this is
something else you're telling me that I was like ew I don't know Leslie you ooze element now
you think it's wonderful oh that's true because you're like a guy a guy always says no to anything you
ask him the only person they always say is no and you're just you're just like that when I said you
like okay that was completely different there we go you brought out the most disgusting food for
me to eat and that had nothing to do with the adventurous eater or not speaking of the fourth
July I did he did you did but I need to tell you this Leslie what I made something else what I made a
pickle chopper a what a pickle chopper what's a chopper so you take an egg and if you take one egg
and a half a cup of cheese and then I diced up a half a cup of deal pickles and mix that in there
and I put it in my little mini waffle iron and it makes it makes like I said oh that sounds
disgusting I put a hamburger patty on it so don't you put pickles on a hamburger so it was already
there and you know how your pickles always fall off your hamburger when it's in the chaffel doesn't
fall on it's all right there young young young everybody's like no one has heard of a chaffel before
yes oh thank you thank you sister thank you she's got you back see see you guys I need you guys in
the room that we do this all the time because I get this all the time that she's always like oh no
that's not happening I'm like it's a thing and I always have to remember it's a thing I've never
had that I know because you know there we go okay you're a wealth of knowledge even if I don't
believe you that's true I have a question for you what do you drive the truck that pulls the trailer
not when the trailer is hooked to it you drive the truck without the trailer I'm driving the
truck tonight Lisa wrote in my truck did I drive it well Lisa yes she was amazing thank well I know
you can drive I mean I've ridden with you in a vehicle before but you don't I probably I preferred
the truck I thought the I think the truck's fun to drive but no John bircher he I told him I said
listen if something ever happens to you and we're on a trip and I've never pulled the trailer we're
going to be in a mess because I need to be able to pull the trailer and he's like that's true you
do you need to learn then he just gets in and drives it anyway and I'm like hello do you want me
to drive no so okay have you ever pulled like a utility trailer never never pull a boat nope
escadu no I don't ever hold anything except you know so one the reason I was asking that is
because that is something that you do need to know how to I know will you help me I will will you
help me explain to John that this is important I will when I'm over at your house next week I will
tell him how important perfect so I'll tell you why this is so important you know my you pulled
absolutely I yeah I it doesn't seem that complicated I pulled a mini yacht from why I'm not even
pulling a yacht yeah this was a mini I'm talking like only a 26 foot trailer yeah yeah this is not
even like nothing no no it's small no it's small so you know my parents you guys I don't know if
you guys know what this out here my parents are in well my dad would have been 93 he just died in
December my mom's 92 but up until my parents were 89 and 90 years old they were still pulling a trailer
and going camping yeah and my dad couldn't hear anything and my mom can't see anything
and I have said forever my parents are going to be hit by a train and killed because this will be
my mom and dad my dad will say oh well you're saying anything bad well why don't you know I can't
say anything you hear anything and there's going to be a train rolling down the track blowing
its horn and my mom's not going to hear or my dad's not going to hear it my mom's not going to see
it and they're going to be killed so my mom and dad are up in Jackson that is so scary I know
well they don't pull it anymore now well I mean your dad's so stuff so they went to Jackson whole
Wyoming and I get this call from my mom packet hall something no get this I'm going to tell you
the story about this how she can so there are Jackson and my mom calls me and at this time I'm in
Casper which is six and a half hours away from Jackson Hall okay and my mother calls me she goes
well your daddy's having a little issue and I said what is it she's telling me I said mom
dial 911 that's what you need to do well know this I said mom nine one one that is what your daddy
said no mom nine one one she won't call nine one one so we believe that my dad was probably having
a heart attack but she doesn't he doesn't want to call 911 so my husband says well I said just
you guys just get the get the game warden down there just close the game warden yeah because that's
what they have that's around the area out there I said just get a game warden to come in and they
we can pay the notice there take dad in the vehicle you can drive the truck and take dad to the
hospital no no no no we're not gonna do this so they don't want to leave their trailer sitting but
she called you six and a half hours away nine what were you supposed to do maybe I was supposed to call
911 I don't know so we don't understand what's happening so we get there and I drive up in my vehicle
and Lance gets in my dad's truck and he breaks down the whole trailer because you know how to break
down the whole trailer I do I can do it all that myself so gets all that done he hooks it up and he and
my dad drive there my dad's truck and the trailer backed Casper and I drive my mom back and I said
while I'm watching this trailer going I'm thinking are they gonna swing by the hospital oh because
that's what you have it think you would do so we go through Jackson not the hospital there do boys
not the hospital wait but Lance had your dad I don't understand I don't either why wouldn't he just
taking him right directly do I don't know because my dad said he didn't need to go well so they get
back home they find out it was not a hard attack he had a gallbladder attack and life he had his
gallbladder taken out life was good but the moral of the story is you can't own a trailer and go
with someone if you don't know how to get that thing out the rig you need to be able to get
your rig out or be willing to leave it there and hope that the spot that you're in hasn't been
rented out to someone else yeah or just left there so John need you need to you need to drive before
he's got to let me hold the trailer he does he does yes but oh I'll tell you today I said something
stinks yeah and he's like yeah you expected me to say something else it was stinky and I said
just listening are the tanks is the tank full already we've only been here since Saturday and this
is Monday no it wasn't it wasn't overflowing chill out okay but it was just stinky and I'm like what's
going on and so I go look at the I go look at the little what are sensors and the sensors have not
I don't know about you if you've got a camper and the sensors never work right and so I'm like it's
saying it's overflowing it's saying it's full I like we need to go ahead and just empty the tanks
and I know we don't leave till tomorrow but who cares we get empty it again tomorrow before we leave
and so I get out there I know how to hook all this stuff up he just watches because you are rubber gloves
when you do it of course you use the AI ones that come there I used the ones to go up over my elbows you
should get the ones that you get from the I don't know anything about our initial insemination I don't
love come up to you I do I'm not performing that on my trailer you might sometimes Leslie if you
don't use right toilet paper you will be up in there I do use RV toilet paper okay so I think I'm
okay but um we decided I needed it so I hook everything up well I'm like okay everything let's
pull the black I mean pull the gray just to make sure there's no leaks first right well there
wasn't a leak it was fine and then we wouldn't pull the the black oh we had a leak oh yeah yeah yeah
John yeah was coming out of his skin yeah yeah I think he thought he was going to throw up you have
duct tape in your trailer don't you yeah but it so what it was I said I don't know why this is leaking
and then I looked at I'm like oh it's missing the little rubber seal on it oh the O-ring that's what
blew up that that's what blew up that uh spaceship remember oh like it blow up a it could blow up
at our beef absolutely that's a blow out there you don't want to get out like wait a minute I think
I have one of those and I did and I fixed it and we were all good and he's like I am so impressed
okay you knew what to do here so the gloves he it's not his thing so the gloves that come to your
elbow how do you store them then they go in the I I clean them I disinfect them and put them back in
the there's a bag that I keep all the sewer stuff in one little spot so so you don't put it in
a ziplock baggy on its own it's not because you don't I just I disinfect them I know but then you found
all the other stuff because you're not disinfecting all your tube and all your other stuff that go in
there it's all the sewer stuff it's all in one spot I know it's Rochelle yeah but that's touching
here now you go to put those gloves on you got sewer glove hey okay you eat your pate and I'm
going to keep my I'm going to keep my I'm going to keep my my black water to myself well you don't
want to come hang out with me my camper are you afraid hmm probably it's my my camper is lovely
probably it's lovely you know absolutely you're welcome to stop by on your oh no you'll be you'll be
you'll be gone gone so I usually quilt I usually piece in the camper yeah and I haven't do you
need a snack we'll talk about the snacks tell me tell I've been quilting stories I've been I just
been I haven't I've only been hand stitching this time yeah and I feel so behind on all of the things
that I'm when I cleaned out the quilt room you know I cleaned out my studio recently look at this
is how she has to eat now so that no one can hear it it's just off-ward beyond you never hear me
eating but Leslie you could have corner mouth yeah it's true and she'll say people don't care
yeah they do well some people do and they send me nasty grams and it's and I'm always trying to
save my pot head don't care I kind of like well it's not you don't want to listen not just yours
mine too and people are you offended I don't want to hear that crunchy crunch crunch oh well here's
the oh well oh well I'm not gonna do anything I'm gonna get a crunchy crunch you're lucky this is a
marshmallow it's a and normally see whenever we have snacks I always open I pre open so we don't have
all of that so our friends here at the guild she got us some lovely snacks and these are all
of our favorites and some things that we didn't even know is a favorite but this one is a new favorite
the gummy bears from beddray who's what Genie is this from like is this a town
it's in Oklahoma okay we're I'm gonna look it up because these are fabulous if you've not tried
you're welcome to come and try gummy bear because we were trying to decide if they were different
flavors they're not different they all taste the same they're delicious are they all the same
flavored you guys know oh they're fantastic they really liked them and then we are huge peeps fans
if you don't like peeps you may not be able to be friends and less and less you qualify ahead of
time and tell us you're not a peak lover or marshmallow lover and then we can accept that that's
true because Angela doesn't like marshmallows no no and which really really disturbed us I know that
was really hard yeah you guys do you know who at least tell me you know who Angela Walters is if
you don't know Angela Walters yeah well you're you need to go and look her up she's fabulous she
does all the quilting for two lapink and me at some point and you know at some point we might get
our quilts someday we're just on the list we're just on the list we might be behind two lapink
yeah yeah yeah right and she just has she just has two latus days that's right she just has that
she just has like a bazillion trillion nine hundred fifty seven zillion fabrics yeah to probably that
to fabric designs everything okay these are cotton candy peeps we love them and I we're going to
have to definitely try these okay and these are Beckett Carmel's if you've never had a Beckett
Carmel oh gosh they are so good and of course she didn't have her readers on and she thought it's
like classics I did assault but it says Celtic because you guys I saw a sea at the beginning to see
at the end and it's sea salt yeah so that classic CLA and then this is oh my gosh these are my favorite
said well so Sam's club comes out with a new popcorn like every every year and this year it is
banana sundae and it's drizzled um kettle corn it is oh my gosh it tastes just like a banana sundae
it's so good but it's very messy because it's so melts on your fingers and it's not something to eat
out of the bag you cannot eat this and quilt no you cannot you cannot it's so messy it's so so so
it's like eating Cheetos you can't eat Cheetos and you can't even lick your fingers off
enough you have to actually get up and do a wash with soap it's gonna take soap it is gonna take
so like it's not that messy just can't lick it off but oh my gosh it's so fantastic it's so good
it is good so last year when they had their birthday cake popcorn oh we know we now make birthday
pie cake popcorn and we take it and think birthday cake popcorn is amazing so I'm trying to figure
out this one and I think that the part to do is that you would have to purchase kettle corn because
or you could buy microwave kettle corn are you talking about how to make this yes oh I wouldn't
go to that trouble I know you wouldn't but you know I would I know but this does have sprinkles it
does and you know how I feel like sprinkles I don't but I'm thinking that I could do the almond
bark with it it is gluten-free though popcorn is gluten-free I know but you I know but you wouldn't
think I'll like junk that they put on this sugar is gluten-free why do you think I can keep this
girly sugar without being able to eat gluten yeah come on except for licorice licorice is not
gluten-free that's so weird but I know it has weeded and did you know soy sauce is not gluten-free
you have to use amino acids no I did not know because it's not an issue for you
mustard is gluten-free too it should be an issue it should be for you yeah because it is for you
if it's if I eat it then it is an issue for you yeah yeah no I mean like I don't like to have
to eat I don't like to eat things that you can't eat I know that's so nice of you I always
appreciate that you know I do thank you thank you very much friend that's very nice well I love you
that way now I'll only eat those things if you're not around that's really nice wow you know
you're making cool things off of stuff no I would not just pull it off of there so it's gluten-free
just pull it off have you been sewing oh my gosh have I ever been so you know I did brona the
riveters retreat at oh say chills yes last what was it last last week last week and this quilt you
guys it's it's her what did you tell me it's the stone hinge yes stone hinge quilt I am not a
piecer I can piece but I do not enjoy piecing there is one block that has I love that has three
pieces in it and I had to make 138 of them 138 you cut them all yourself I did I cut the whole quilt
you didn't everything you didn't convince Ronan to cut them for you I did not I tried to but she was
working on something my life is getting off task but all of these blocks that she has you're going
to end up with a nine and a half inch block yeah but you're making a three and a half you're going to
make three three and a half uh-huh for most of them right but they're going to have anywhere from 12
well the smallest is three pieces to 12 pieces in three and a half inches so I am piecing is the whole
quilt this way yes why because that's the way you get the look of what the quilt does so then you're
making them into blocks and but she has a really great checklist that tells you you know this is like
block CDD and you had to make two of them okay and one of the things that you know I'm a reader and we
all know this yes I am a reader you know that's teaching home act for all those years I read everything
before I do and then I'm reading every step and I follow steps yes so last night I'm working on this
and it's telling me them you need to take a three and a quarter or three and three eighths inch
block draw line on the back of it and you know how I hate to draw line on the back oh no no no and then
they're going to have you stitch on both sides but I have that special ruler that you know is here
and it gives you the lines to sew on here so you don't so I I did that on it and then it says to put
up it was a green one and you had to put a black one to the back of it and sew on those lines okay
okay yeah that's going to make two yep you need to make eight okay so that means that I'm going to
need to use four of those yeah I'm looking in the directions why aren't you telling me in the
beginning the directions instead of at the end where they have square triangles no we were turning
them into our glasses so yeah I guess they would be but then the way that then you put them together
then you cut these and then you put these parts together and you cut it and I'm like again why didn't
Rona why didn't you tell me that I needed four of them tell at the end I saw somebody I don't know
why this made me think of this I saw somebody today show how to make half square triangles like
a slew of them a time no with like strips have you seen that no they took strips I swear to you
long strips and sewed each side paper on it no you you sewed it listen pay attention okay quarter
inch seam on both sides of the strips yeah yeah and then you take your your ruler and you turn it on
the 45 degree angle and you cut you just go back and forth cutting and then you like a template and
it's like whoa alone my mind so you would be doing like you would do a three eighths inch or five
eighths with it then whatever you plus five eighths because you're putting a quarter in a quarter
with it so you're losing no like I well it depends on what size you I know it doesn't even matter how
because you can trim them all down to the size that you need because you just put you you just make
your strips and you are you following me I am following you but you have to have at least an idea
because you know what if you what if you cut your strip to be three inches and you need to be you
need them to be seven inch half square triangles yeah I don't know I'm sure there's some formula
on what you need to because who knows like how how big your I don't know but I just saw the lady
with the fabric then probably to get it or whatever it tell you how many inches you're gonna cut
I don't know she had two strips she sewed down each side and then she turned her ruler on
45-degree angle and cut and flipped it back and forth just like she had this whole tile
of of half square triangles wow it was fantastic I'm like what and I saw Lela boutique you know
Lela boutique Vanessa Gertzen the other day she was like blowing her mind over I think it was
flying geese and it was like four to time or whatever and I'm like that's always how I make
flying geese but I was like she but it was new to her and so I realized in that moment if Vanessa
Gertzen is just now like getting her mind blown over how to make four to time flying geese then I
mean does that mean that you're way more advanced than she is no it means there's always something
to learn it doesn't matter like how many how long we've been quilting or how long we've been doing
anything and you think oh I'm already you know I've known right she's like amazing she's a fabric
designer and pattern writer and here she is getting her mind blown over how to make four to time
flying geese I mean there's always going to be something that we're going to learn that's true
um I just every day when I see stuff online or something that you know there's a new technique
that I didn't think of or just like what I just share with you like we're going to totally do that
do the do the strips yeah when I have something that I need half square triangles for there's always
something we need half square triangles for them but kind of look at what I'm doing what do my
stuff have half square triangles well I mean this one this one probably has half square triangles
artist maybe there's a big chance of it I know it's not in that one that one not in that one down
there so quilt fold came out and I'm not seeing it yet I haven't either because you know what
with anybody get there does anybody subscribe to quilt folk did you get your did you get your
issue 31 you haven't got issue 31 yeah oh we're dying over this we are all of our a bunch of
our friends have gotten their issues this week and Rochelle and I were featured in it and it was so
much fun we had such a great time and if you're not a if you've never subscribed to quilt folk
and this is no I mean it is a plug for them it is because frankly I was a subscriber before they
yep actually invited us to be a feature in the in the magazine but I hate calling it a magazine
because it's just bigger than a magazine it is it's it's it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a literature
something it's like a lovely coffee table wonderful really it is it's just well but I I was
already a subscriber and then anyway I love every single month they come out with a new or every
quarter they come out with a new issue and it's always a different state so they'll go to a different
state they could go to Texas you never know I don't think so I haven't seen a Texas issue
but they'll go to a state and they learn about the quilters in those communities and they
featured them and they tell stories about them it's just fantastic and so anyway I'm so excited
for that to come out and I'm hoping when I get home our issue is so they tell us that they
were shipping ours on the 8th was at the 8th of the 12 because there was something in a date
that they told us when we they were shipping ours and then the rest of them come from the warehouse
because they don't know because there's people they're posting on Instagram and saying hey there
are other people that's no less leave our channel on some cool folk and I'm like how are they
getting their issue and we haven't gotten it and you know it was so exciting to get here I went
when Lance had asked me when we were talking about it he said was it exciting to get into it a
second time and I said it would be exciting to get into it a hundredth time it's just never
changed you know for me with getting the fantastic they're so fantastic to work with this one yeah
because that one you know they really didn't do much of an interview we all sent in our pet
portraits or whatever was we were doing with it and then when they chose it you didn't really
yet because when we asked I said we can't tell anybody yes we can I said no lethley we can't
because we have no idea if that what they're going to put in and what it's really going to be we
don't know and I'm like Rochelle they are inviting us they asked us and it's not like
we had to compete to get in the magazine like they came to us and asked us so we can tell
they were going to be in the magazine but then even they're like I don't think so but even again
from there we were like we were supposed to you know not talk about the magazine till they sent
us the we couldn't take photos while they were taking photos of us doing this yeah it was a
little bit crazy you know and it was it was a long time and being out there and it was hot and
what we're doing and we still have no idea what photos are going to be in there we still don't have
any idea except all I've only seen two that somebody else is posted right and that's it it's kind
of crazy I saw I saw one of us with our our head gear on oh yeah that was the only that's the
only thing I've seen yeah so I have no idea so we know what the article is we think yeah yeah
the exception of a couple of words that well you guys this is what's interesting if I tell when
I learned to sew really it was a neighbor lady bars and she was a professional seamstress so they
send the article to us and they say that I learned quilt from a professional tailor
now when you think of seamstress do you think of a female Mrs. Moore when you think of a tailor
do you think that's a Mrs. Moore or a Mr. Moore Mr. Moore so we of course said no that's not correct
it needs to be a seamstress yeah and they said well we don't know if we can use the word seamstress
we may have to use tailor because politically correct we need to not talk about this right now
because this one makes us very crazy yeah I just so yeah so it's again it's it's like but she was
female it's like you know it's okay she would call I think it's to me it's appropriate because
she would call herself a seamstress yes like it's different if like you're going to call somebody
something wouldn't want not want to be called right I don't think she would appreciate being called a
tailor I think that's where we needed to land with that right you know like you don't so we don't
know what word in doubt that that's the other interesting thing that was and then they called it
gas and oil and we're like no you are not from this part we're not from Oklahoma no one says gas
and oil around here no and you don't say oil anyway right at least say you say oh oh oh we are
in Texas gas and oil and we say oil and gas yeah yeah so yeah anyways so there was a couple of those
things that yeah for from us because it's like we're gonna say what it is right and not worry that
it yeah I don't think I mean but but the lady that wrote the article was delightful delightful we
loved her she was really really fun to work with a lot of fun talking with her and you know getting
to know her and then even having the the stylist and the photographer they were wonderful to work with
from Chicago yeah they were really I mean it was really yeah you know and then you know and then
just like a Mary Porter what oh you guys kind of a big deal if you don't know who Mary Porter is
she said I don't know forget bonds and Porter she's in Porter and the Porter she's too like and
these the photographers that we had they were darling and they got an acquilt from Mary Porter
for their wedding gift for a wedding gift and they had no idea like they didn't know because they
were no idea they that was a big deal they were taking photos of quilt things and they just
thought it was a quilting and they and and they're telling us and we're like wow Mary Porter
Gary Porter come on and then like we would go places and people see and they're like Mary we're not
we're not and they're like how does Mary know everybody and I'm like she's she's Mary Porter are you
crazy it's like Jenny down that's true it's like that's very true Jenny would ever give us a quilt
you she would give us I think that she would give us a picnic quilt I would take a picnic quilt
from Jenny I would take anything from Jenny I would take I would take a washcloth you know what I
would eat sitting on her porch eating lunch with her and when I drop my cookie on the floor yeah
she'd have picked it up to eat it but didn't do it what'd you do with it left it on the floor you left
it on her porch it fell on the floor so I know did she make it I don't know oh my gosh yeah we need
to message Jenny and ask her she make those cookies and see how she feels about the drop I get she did
you know she does cook she does cook yeah oh my gosh okay are you gonna wrap us up I am and you know
something I normally often do this here but I'm gonna I'm gonna choose this one here okay no I'm not
yep I am okay and then we got to take some questions then we will so I don't you don't want me
to wrap it up yet then yeah okay okay so I'm gonna wrap this up with how do we change the world
one random act of kindness at a time and that's for Morgan Freeman oh I love Morgan Freeman
too I wonder if I can use his voice in AI or something and have him do this in there I bet you could
and then change this here to that okay I'll try I need I need to make sure I write that down then
okay oh my gosh that's hilarious okay can we take some questions Lisa are you our Vanna White
you look like her did she did she retire with that she did so who'd they have the new vanish I don't
know but I saw her on price did you know she was a contestant on prices right Vanna White was a
contestant on prices right years and years and years and years and years ago and Bob Barker got a
little irritated with her oh can you imagine like she kept and he she's like what what what what
was the bids well we're the three bids and Bob Barker she did this like twice and he said well if
you will quit looking at yourself in the monitor you might be able to remember what they were
wow I am not making that up you people listen you people listen Mary listen listen Linda listen Linda
all right okay you got some questions who's got a question
Oh they want to see your notebook Rochelle it's the notebook this is the notebook and I made it
myself and so then it comes in with one of those composition books and I jot things it so I can
kind of show you like there's a note here in my notebook that says to me it's time to acknowledge
your new your new bag handler and photographer so when I was at Osage Hills yeah so so I was doing
live with the run of the Riveter and we were kind of working on some things that you know Rona
travels all the time and and trying to see is the dynamic something that would work if it's not
something because you know Leslie and I work this is you know I couldn't probably I don't know you
know we might get someone someone else each other but it just wouldn't be what it would be the same
and so when I met Rona we didn't know how things were going to work for this and Melissa became our
handler and because Rona thinks a lot like I do so nothing's going to ever get done we're going to have
great ideas but nothing's going to happen so Melissa was our handler and she would come to me to say okay
it's time right now we need to go do this live and we'd be like okay let's go do our lives she did
we did our lives but we needed to see how much time how we could look on it how it sounded and all
those things so well then she we went to Pahasca and she didn't come with us and we didn't have a
handler and we were just like kind of out of control it was like it was and so you need to acknowledge
your handler yeah but I'm wondering if my new handler this wasn't Melissa I'm wondering if this new
one which was the bag handler would have been what's a bag handler because I was buying all this
stuff and so I need someone to carry my bags oh my word you know so happens you know so so I think
that must have been Andrea that was the one that was carrying all those because she drove me there
so she really became the handler with that oh my gosh hey do you guys have FFA here is it a big deal
here you know I'm going to give a shout out and I know this is changing everything right now here
so one of the retreaters that was at Rona's she she her name is Jacqueline or you can call her jack
but I thought the word jacks was cute or for her darling so she's an FFA leader she's like 35
years old you know I always try to do like who's my hero of the thing but it's not it's something that
we every week have to have it it's just when someone touches us so she came in and her hair
is about shoulder length but it's all different colors in her hair but it's not at the top it's
just streak down through here this woman to get her kids motivated so that they will take a state
office and run try to run for state office if you make a state office she will die her hair whatever
color you choose and she so she had four kids that would make a state office they get four colors
in their hair and one girl made a state office twice I think I think it was a girl that she told me was
that made it twice and so she went ahead and gave it to someone else in there that was a runner
up for it that that she wanted them to be able to do that and I'm like it's awesome you know educators
out there that put themselves out to be you know color your hair that you I mean obviously this is
something that you're committed to because it's not a washout thing and she says it lasts until
it comes out and she doesn't redo the color and I'm like you know so if you're an educator out there
and you're doing this stuff to motivate kids to do things bravo bravo bravo we say bravo we love
bravo what else how many grilled chops in Oklahoma in Tulsa um probably about five if you go
around our air oh well in Bartlesville two six or seven maybe maybe there's two in Bartlesville
yeah that's oh yeah so we might have ten and there's cotton cottage yeah and Taiwan maybe it does
their comfort maybe yeah what do we know it's going well you know if you want to know what you do is
you go to Rona River and go to her site there and she lists all the quilt shops that are out there
and any travels that you're gonna do and we're gonna do her challenge of trying to hit however many
quilt shops but it'll take us take us ten years a hundred years so we're okay with that so
we hope we we hope it takes forever because we want to see more and more quilt shops that's right
surviving that's right it's fantastic that's right yes
yes no it's no pixels
uh right so Leslie did pixel quilt and then I have the Santa pixel so they're two
totally different things our friend D um when we heard we know when that's gonna come live because
they were doing what she's got she's got a software that she'll have out I'm pretty sure
very very soon probably the next couple of weeks um but it's called pixel quilts and she's on
Instagram as pixel quilts and she'll she'll come on and announce it when it's available but I used
I've been testing her software for her and it's fantastic and what I love about her software not
every picture you have works is a good picture for a pixel quilt I have like a cup my mom passed away
last month and I've been looking for the right picture for her and while my dad he's got a couple
that he just loves they just didn't work good as a pixel quilt but one of her like her wedding picture
looked perfect for a pixel quilt so not every photo works you'll just you want to play with it
what I love about her software though you can upload as many as you want to right and then when
you find the one that works then you pay for that one right you don't just you're not sitting there
just paying for every single one you upload you can upload a million of them it doesn't matter
it's about which one you decide to create as a pattern and that's what you that's when you pay for
it so I love how she's done that because it's not you're not getting nickel and dime for you know
loading up whatever you want to do so definitely it's and it is a commitment
because it's now it's three it's over 3,000 pieces right and so it's
right they are the cat portraits are collage yes you didn't bring any pet work you know the reason I
didn't is are they all over the country they are and I'm going to Tennessee and I had to pack my bags
this weekend to take Tennessee with me but if you're interested in learning how to do a pet portrait
oh I have some of my I have some of my phone when we're finished here I could show you yeah but if
anyone is interested in learning how to do pet portraits I am teaching that in Oklahoma in September
and there's two days classes so if you get a hold of Osage Hills quilt retreat and it's on their site
and don't ask me how much it is to take it because I don't know because I get paid a flat fee and they
get a charge whatever they want to do with their things I get you know if they have one person or
they have 20 people I'm paid the same amount no matter what so I I never know because different
places charge different prices I'm also teaching it August 10th so it's Osage quilt retreat
Oh, say chills. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Nine people. Yeah. That's it. But they have six. Hey, he's per person. And they feed you and water you. Yep.
Or if you want to go out with the awesome. So if you want to go to quilting is my therapy, August 10th, I'll be teaching there. Um, quilting is my therapy and Liberty Bill Missouri Liberty.
Liberty. That's right now. I was. That's how I always get the bad. She is. She fits village. I can feel everything. Yeah, also, Ville.
Tulsaville. Sans Springsville. It's a, it's a thing. It's kind of like y'all. And you're in Gainesville, so you're okay today. She's perfect. I mean, I finally get to work with the bill. Get a question.
Oh, you know, that'd be really good if someone would have a website. She's never handler for that. I don't have a handler for that.
Cause, um, you know, my, my husband was my website person. And when he told me he was no longer going to be my IT person, I said, that's why and I will close this down.
I just can't, I just can't want to do that.
I know everybody's like, why don't you guys have an Instagram. Yeah, just can't. Um, we listen, I have a full time job. She does.
And I get to do this on the side. And I love this. And if I could make this my full time job, I certainly would. Right.
Um, but I can't keep up. Right. The Shopify and the shirts and, yeah, the, and do my own. And I've got green kids. And I mean, it's just a lot.
So we do Instagram does have an inappropriate quilters spot. Yeah. And there's nothing on it because we had, we had to lock down the name.
We couldn't let someone else come in and have it on Instagram. So my, my goal is, and this will happen at some point in time is to take our logo and put it on there.
And then each time we upload something, I say that there's a new one there. And you know, maybe there I could announce, um, you know, sometime you do that.
No, I will know.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, see, it would be really easy that I, I could take it from when Leslie puts up there and it puts it on the podcast thing.
And I could open that and take a picture of that and just post that. Yeah, because I know how to do that.
She knows how to share things that I do. I do know how to share things that she does. I do.
And I just, and I even learned how to type some things and move some other stuff over. I, there was another thing that was just new that I learned to do that I was, oh, on that
live, when we got all that crazy stuff happening, we didn't know how it wasn't Scott was on my shoulder and all that stuff. That was kind of cool.
Oh my gosh. Yes. You've gone down a rabbit hole. Okay. So any other questions that we wind up and go with you guys, get you going home.
Nothing else. Nothing. Okay. Well, we really do like each other. We do. We didn't talk about this, but if you don't listen to us or know anything about how we got started, we started out as not friends.
She liked me, but I didn't really like her all that much. And this is, I don't know if I've ever said I liked you. Oh, maybe you didn't.
I've never, I've never, I don't think you ever cared one way or another. Um, but, uh, this is proof that it doesn't matter because then you start, then you find similarities. And then we're like, oh my gosh, we're kind of funny. It doesn't matter where you start. It matters. Where you end.
So we ended up really getting to hang out in San Diego of all places. We were at a quilt retreat there. Um, I was in love with Camille Ross Kelly still am love her.
And you were in love with Angela Walter. And I'm so mad. I'm so mad at Camille. I won't I'm punishing her. I want to see Camille. I'm punishing Camille because Camille and I'm not and I'm not going to finish that quilt.
So what is that punishment to her? I don't know how to class and I'm not going to finish the quilt I came for. She made it. I don't think she cares if you do or not. I think I think she can't sleep at night because of it.
Well, I'm pretty sure Camille sleeps at night. Just fine. But she goes. We've tried to get her on the show. And she's like, I just can't do it. It just makes me nervous.
So maybe someday I'll drug her or something. I don't know. I haven't offered I've even said Camille. If I finish the quilt, including putting a binding because a binding does not mean it's a complete quilt. You know, quilts work fine without a binding. Yeah. Anyways. And so we met at this quilt retreat. Yep. And what we knew each other. But we really got to hang out. Yep.
And then Angela was having breakfast with us. And we were like, we think we're going to do a podcast. And she's like, Oh, I've got a name for you guys. You all are the inappropriate quilters. Yep.
And we were like, can we use that? And she's like, yeah. So that's how that started. And we ordered equipment. I say we ordered it because you had money. And I was broke. I had followers on Instagram. And you had money. And I always had money. So that's just so that's how you make a podcast. That's right. That's what we were doing. We had no idea. And what's funny is when we first decided to do the podcast.
We thought that we were going to inform the world of all the best things. We're going to be your go to girls. And the first podcast. Yeah, it was terrible because I'm like, Oh, Leslie.
I don't know that might be a little inappropriate. And we get finished. I said, I said, Leslie, this is what this is. And I can't keep this.
I can't do. I don't even know why I acted like that. I don't know either.
It's so weird. It was real. I don't. I've never gone back and listened to that nor do I want. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I once in a while go back and think, Yeah, it's better this way.
I will tell you we had an inappropriate episode, episode 11. And well, it was early and obviously we wouldn't have even cut it out. No, we wouldn't. But she went down a little trail of inappropriate.
And I'm like, Oh, gosh, do we leave that in there? Or do we not? And then you were like, No, we need to pull it out. And I'm like, OK, so then I said, what if we, I'll just put it out there and Instagram and say, if you want to listen to that this part.
Vote yes or no. Well, everyone wanted to hear it because we were laughing hysterically because we were laughing. So hard. We could not catch our breath. We were laughing. And so I had a, you know, no one voted now. So I put this out as a separate clip.
That way. And if you don't have, if you don't, before you did it, though, you sent it to Camille to say, what do you think should I do this? Because Camille is our voice of reason. Camille's on the straight and straight and she's there. Yeah.
So anyway, this so faint Camille. I put it out there. And everybody thought it was hilarious. I got all we got all this mail about how funny it was. And this lady, I will not name names, but she sends me a message. And she says it was hate mail.
If you're going to put things on your show like this, then I'm not going to listen to you anymore. And I want, I think she voted to hear it.
And she had.
So anyways, it just made me laugh. I'm like, oh my gosh. That's so funny. It wasn't it. It wasn't even any. You guys go back and listen. And then you'll laugh. You're going to laugh. And we say now, if now we would have that, we would not because the jelly bean was far worse than episode 11.
Jelly bean. No jelly bean. The pickle jelly bean was. Oh, that was way. And we didn't even cut that out. We were just like literal. That was so bad.
And I know I don't edit it. I used to edit so much. And now it's like, I don't even care what you say. You're or she'll bleep my mind. I said that. I've learned how to make beeps.
And I didn't learn that until we interviewed Angela. Angela did a Angela said a little naughty word. And I'm like, oh, I don't want to edit anything. I'm just going to be over that.
And I learned how to do that because it was funny. And I didn't want to mess up this mess up the vibe of what we were talking about because she it was fun.
She's like, oh my gosh, you're recording already? Like we always do that. We did it to Jenny too. She doesn't care.
But anyway, so much fun. We've had such a blast being here. You want to say anything?
You guys, thank you so much for inviting us. You know, let your friends know. Listen to our podcast. Tell your friends.
You know, you did that stuff because the more you listen, the more people want us to come out and do these types of things. And then we get a spread the joy.
You get a little bit of, you get a little bit of row. Thank you guys so much. So until next time, stay inappropriate.
We thank you so much for listening and look forward to another one. So until next time, stay inappropriate.