Road To Awesome

Road To Awesome

Update: 2023-02-22


Road To Awesome

Darrin Peppard is a leadership expert focused on organizational culture and climate, and coaching growing emerging leaders. Darrin is the author of the book Road to Awesome: Empower, Lead, Change the Game. He is also the host of the Leaning into Leadership podcast. As a ‘recovering high school principal’, Darrin shares strategies and lessons learned and effective from over 25 years in public education to help leaders to be more effective and positively impact the world around them.



Show Highlights

  • Transform a toxic culture by honestly investigating your own experience to avoid creating expectations that push people to be compliant.
  • Simple and effective practical tips for schools to show that they see, hear, and love their students.
  • Leadership coaching stops you from being a firefighter and starts you on a path towards ensuring you can go and do that work. 
  • Focus on 3 primary tenets to travel the Road to Awesome with 6 things that are important to leaders.
  • Leaning into Leadership will help you create a culture of celebration.
  • Stop looking for the “red cars” in your school and start training your mind to look for the great things in your school.
  • Nurture your relationships and stop pretending to listen and build systems that can be delegated. 


“As a school leader, as the principal, my really biggest job was to grow and coach everybody else in that school, grow and coach my teachers, grow and coach my leaders, grow and coach my support staff so that we were doing everything we could for kids.”

-Darrin Peppard


Get the episode Transcript here!!


Darrin’s Resources & Contact Info:

Read my latest book!

Learn why the ABCs of powerful professional development™ work – Grow your skills by integrating more Authenticity, Belonging, and Challenge into your life and leadership.


Read Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader today!

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Transform how you lead to become a resilient and empowered change agent with Harvard’s online Certificate in School Management and Leadership. Grow your professional network with a global cohort of fellow school leaders as you collaborate in case studies bridging the fields of education and business. Apply today at



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Road To Awesome

Road To Awesome

Daniel Bauer