Role Playing Games and STEM
Role playing games and story? Yes. Role playing games and fantasy? Obviously. But role playing games and STEM? Find out why we say- absolutely!
Our interview with Mike Reuter focuses role playing games and their possibilities with students. Owner of Raconteurs of the High Road, Mike draws on his experience leading middle & high school and adult groups in popular role playing campaigns. We talk about the skills and surprises that come with engaging in this activity with students. Whether you're unsure of what we mean when we say rpgs or you're regularly throwing for perception checks, this episode will interest and surprise you. Mike helped us make this episode extra creative in a way that will draw you into the realms and worlds that have so many coming individuals joining Mike in front of his maps each week.
SergeQuadrado from Pixabay
Ashot-Danielyan-Composer from Pixabay
Lexin_Music from Pixabay
Additional Sound Effects: Pixabay
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