Run It Like a Girl with Jenn T. Grace, publisher, author, entrepreneur, Season 4, Episode 7
Jenn T Grace is the founder of Publish Your Purpose Press and an author of several books. Her company is a hybrid book publisher that focuses on non-fiction and memoirs. Jenn didn't have all the answers when she started her publishing company, but she followed the just do it mentality as she knew this was her calling.
In this episode Jenn talks about the lack of diversity in the American publishing industry, but she sees hope in the fact that people are starting to demand that most voices are heard.
Her advice to others - follow your passion and push past your fears.
The Fast Three
What is your favourite podcast or source of information? The Wheel of Misfortune, I Mom so Hard
What are you currently reading? Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman, Why Cats are Assholes by Liz Miele The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes
Who is currently inspiring you? Inspired by all the people who work in design thinking
Learn more about Jenn
House on Fire: Finding resilience, hope and purpose in the ashes
Publish Your Purpose Press