S03_E08 - Getting our Brains Around TBI and Concussions
The Healthy Matters Podcast
S03_E08 - Getting our Brains Around TBI and Concussions
Brains! We've all got 'em. (Well, perhaps some of us more than others...) But it's estimated that almost 50% (!) of all adults in the U.S. have experienced a concussive event or some sort of traumatic brain injury in their lifetime. That's a staggering statistic, and on Episode 8 of the show, we'll be joined by Dr. Matthew Puderbaugh to help us define what a traumatic brain injury is, how to identify one, and what to do when we see one.
Dr. Puderbaugh is an Air Force veteran and assists on the sidelines of the NFL, so it's safe to say he's seen a number of these over the years. He'll help us wrap our brains around what's happening when concussive events occur, how they're treated, and the effect they can have on our emotional states. After a concussive event: Is it best to avoid light? Do you have to stay awake? How long does it take to recover? Join us for the conversation and get answers to these questions and more, on Episode 8!
If you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury, be sure and check out the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance website for resources and support!
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Email - healthymatters@hcmed.org
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