S1 Ep7. Life and lava lakes with Jeffrey Marlow
In this episode, Dr. Jeffrey Marlow takes us from the inside of lava lake craters to the bottom of the oceans to tell us about the extreme environments that life can develop AND thrive. Microbes can actually live right next to lava lakes!!
Dr. Jeffrey Marlow (he/him) is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Boston University, where his lab studies microorganisms inhabiting some of Earth's most extreme environments, from the deep sea to active volcanoes. He is particularly interested in mapping the metabolic activity and interactions of distinct cells using microscopy and stable isotope probing approaches. Dr. Marlow is also a science writer, a science policy advisor, and the executive director of the Ad Astra Academy, an educational organization that harnesses the power of exploration to inspire young learners around the world.
Marlow Lab website: http://marlowscience.com/#home
Twitter page: https://twitter.com/jj_marlow
Lab instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marlow.lab.bu/
Marum lava lake research: https://academic.oup.com/femsle/article/367/1/fnaa031/5736014?login=true