S1E10: Healing - How to adopt a holistic approach to health with Naturopathic Doctor, Karen DeVore
FULL show notes Dr. K’s details, and links to resources recommended in this episode are available at https://foreverbreak.com/podcast/s1/e10/
An unfortunate fact is we’re all going to get a little sick from time to time. Even more unfortunate is the common habit of reaching for readily-available prescriptions to mask symptoms and return to the daily rush. In this episode, Lianne & Corey compare mainstream vs natural medicine and question the motives of pharmaceutical companies in their usual, hold-nothing-back style.
They share personal stories of times natural remedies have worked best for them, and note common obstacles that may be holding you back from considering natural remedies for yourself.
In a thought-provoking interview, naturopathic doctor, Dr. Karen DeVore (AKA Dr. K) explains the difference between medical and naturopathic doctors, and how the 2 fields can be complementary. According to Dr. K, natural medicine considers a patient’s holistic, long-term health with emphasis on prevention as well as treatment. Importantly, she advises that no two bodies are the same and the best treatment for one patient may not be the best choice for another. Dr. K comments on the use of supplements, lifestyle habits like intermittent fasting, and teaching children to make healthy eating choices.
Find out how to get familiar with listening to your body’s instincts about what it needs to heal, so you can make informed decisions and choose the right remedy for your health circumstances.
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