S2 E1 Montessori through the four planes of development

S2 E1 Montessori through the four planes of development

Update: 2021-04-154


Hi everyone! Simone here and I'm super excited to be back with another season of The Montessori Notebook podcast. Today I'll be talking with Nusaibah Macadam from Rumi Montessori. It was a beautiful conversation covering:

  • Montessori through the four planes of development
  • How Nusaibah sees Montessori as being of service
  • How to develop trust in the Montessori method
  • How using Montessori can be joyful and not stressful
  • How to stay calm when a child is having a hard time
  • Does Montessori mean children can do whatever they want?
  • Their family's approach to screens
  • Her experience of raising Noah who is autistic and seeing it as a gift
  • Incorporating Montessori into Islamic parenting and education
  • Cultural differences between the UK and Malaysia
  • How their classroom is trilingual
  • Why there is only one of everything in a Montessori classroom and why children learn to wait

Listener question

I have a 3 year old son who has been raised in a Spanish environment even though we live in the US. I have never wanted to label him as a shy person, but I think that’s one of the descriptions that the rest of the people that gets to know him say about him. So, how do you work with persons that are shy or have some personality trails of shyness?, how do you help this people to succeed? And what can I do as a parent to encourage in my child to be more open to others and to play and work with others?  - Carolina

Links from the show

Comments (1)

Jessica Stern

wow! such a lovely episode!! thanks!!

Apr 28th
In Channel








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S2 E1 Montessori through the four planes of development

S2 E1 Montessori through the four planes of development

Simone Davies, Montessori teacher and parent