S2 Episode 2 - Hit Me Baby Goblin Time!
The Goblin War might be over, but negotiations have just begun! Does the sudden appearance of her mother, Queen Titania, spell the end for peace? Can Lady Blackfreeze prevent a new war? Will there be another pancake breakfast? Find out in tonight’s episode: HIT ME BABY GOBLIN TIME!
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Kevin Victor Rae @kv_rae
Jordan Stidham @jordanstidz
Courtney Reece @court.e.reece
Art Brown @artbrown_vo
Dezaré Foster @dezarefoster
Dylan Bellardinelli @dylan_r_bel
Will Mercer @mercerwill
Brandon Brooks @amusedbrandon
Cameron Rose @h3rmtheworm
Anna Brown @ajbluecloud
Elizabeth Birmingham @ebethbham
Devin Cunningham @devinnadriann