S2.4 - To hope for the broken
The importance of hopefulness in creating justice
In conversation with Marina Shupac
In this episode, we focus on practicing hope and on good examples of aspiration, solidarity and resilience as opposed to negative feelings of suffering. Marina Shupac* brings in her professional and personal perspective to respond to the following questions: in what ways is hope a key for the empowerment of rights-holders? How can it be appreciated as a driver for change? How can it make the broken stronger?
* Marina Shupac is an award-winning journalist, documentary filmmaker and human rights practitioner from Moldova. Her film Last Chance for Justice was commissioned by the BBC World News and won, among other honours, the One World Media Awards. Marina was also awarded the Senior Minority Fellowship with the UN OHCHR and the Sakharov Fellowship with the EU Parliament. With an ethnic minority background, Marina is passionate about stories that diminish divisions between “us” and “them” and create solidarity among people. She is an Alumna of GC Caucasus.