S2E16 The Old Warlock
Jim and Alexander from The Old Warlock join me.
Kickstarter "Expedition To The Forest Of Moon" https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oldwarlock/expedition-to-the-forest-of-moon
Subscribe to The Old Warlock newsletter! Send an email to officialoldwarlock@gmail.com
Website: oldwarlockgames.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theoldwarlock
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialoldwarlock/
You can order copies of Alarums & Excursions here https://www.conchord.org/xeno/aande.html
Ways to contact me: Google Voice Number for US callers: (540) 445-1145
Speakpipe for international callers: https://www.speakpipe.com/NerdsRPGVarietyCast
The podcast's email at nerdsrpgvarietycast 'at' gmail 'dot' com
Find me on a variety of discords including the Audio Dungeon Discord. Invite for the Audio Dungeon Discord https://discord.gg/j5H8hGr
Home page for this show https://nerdsrpgvarietycast.carrd.co
Blog https://nerdsrpgvarietycast.com
Proud member of the Grog-talk Empire https://www.grogcon.com/podcast
Ray Otus did the coffee cup art for this show
? provides music for my show.