S2E2 - The Baron
S2E2 - The Baron
Our party makes the journey from Ellington to the land of Darkovnia in search of a great artifact to help in the growing war. What awaits them?
***Join the Team and Show your Support at https://www.patreon.com/DiceTowerTheatre ***
| BARONESS SHAE SILVERBRAND - Aicila Lewis - The BiCurean Podcast - https://www.bicurean.com/
| VIX - Daniel Nichols - The Happy Go Lukky Podcast - https://happygolukky.com/
| FOLAS BELAM - Sam Weigel - The World Forge Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/5CqKFlbuBlzSMh388n16zf
| SOPHIE - Sarah Jenkins
| CORDELIA - Joleen Fresquez
| BENEDICT - Brian Dowling
| ZORIN - Cody Miller
| NARRATOR - Mike Atchley
Thanks to Haley Munoz
and Brave Adventures for their support!
Be sure to follow them at https://twitter.com/BraveAdventure5 When they reach 1000 followers, one person will win a custom paper mini of their OC!