S6 E30: Decoding Lenormand
FULL SHOW NOTES WITH LINKS https://quantumlivingpodcast.com/
Whether you practise cartomancy, are learning it or are just curious about divination – you will love this episode.
Perhaps like me, after many years of working with Tarot you’ve never heard of Lenormand until now.
Well, synchronicity has brought you to my podcast and this episode where you will learn all about it. But let me manage your expectations.
This conversation is much more than describing the meaning of the cards. In discussing Lenormand as a divination tool, it presents philosophical considerations, unexpected conclusions, surprising points of view in a very grounding context of the mystery of divination.
Please join me and my special guest Layla – an expert Lenormand Reader – as we explore and unpack Lenormand, decoding its secrets for everyone to enjoy.
You will learn:
- What is cartomancy
- What is Lenormand
- How Lenormand oracle is different from Tarot
- Do we need to use intuition or psychic abilities to read Lenormand
- The art and craft of Lenormand readings
- Predicting future events
- What influences which cards are laid out or drawn from the deck
And more!
enjoy and please share!
Music: Purple-Planet Music
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