DiscoverYou Are Not Invisible After 50S6 Episode 10: Cultivating Joy with Sarabjit Kaur
S6 Episode 10: Cultivating Joy with Sarabjit Kaur

S6 Episode 10: Cultivating Joy with Sarabjit Kaur

Update: 2024-07-03


The digital world can be shades of grey - even in some cases - completely black and white. But it’s safe to say that Sarabjit Kaur’s little corner of the Internet is nothing but the most verdant shade of green. A 56-year young content creator and homemaker, Sarabjit has flourished into a symbol of rejuvenation and creative expression, embracing her role as a mother, grandmother, and plant enthusiast with open arms. Through her Instagram page,, Sarabjit has refused to let her life dull with her children leaving home and instead has placed her love, care, and affection into caring for her plant babies. Her passion for home decor, culinary adventures, and heartfelt poetry has not only decorated her Instagram feed but has also resonated with a community of like-minded followers who celebrate the simplicity and beauty of everyday living. With features in @indiatoday_home and a nomination from @cosmoindia as the best decor influencer, Sarabjit’s influence stretches far beyond her green digital corner. As she continues to share her life’s reflections and house tours, accompanied by her original poetry, Sarabjit is not just redefining what it means to be an empty nester; she’s proving that every stage of life holds the potential for growth and joy. 

In this episode, Sarabit talks about dysfunctional families, her desire to turn her home into a urban jungle, and the importance of cultivating your own joy.









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S6 Episode 10: Cultivating Joy with Sarabjit Kaur

S6 Episode 10: Cultivating Joy with Sarabjit Kaur

Roaring Ahead