S9: Ancient Alien Ancestors

S9: Ancient Alien Ancestors

Update: 2024-07-231


Tonight, my special guest is author Will Hart who's here to discuss his research into the likely hood that aliens had a hand in our creation.
 Explores evidence for the theory of directed panspermia--that life on Earth and the landscape of Earth itself was engineered by extraterrestrials
 • Details how the Earth was terraformed through a sophisticated geo-engineering program, providing clear examples such as the precise mathematical longitude configurations of the Great Pyramid of Giza with the major rivers on Earth
 • Shows how our spectrum of blood types supports the theory of panspermia while directly contradicting the conventional “out of Africa” theory of evolution
 • Examines the strongest modern UFO accounts, including the Russian Roswell case, as well as the suppressed UFO sightings of NASA astronauts
 In the early 1970s, Nobel Prize-winning DNA co-discoverer Sir Francis Crick and his colleague Leslie Orgel proposed that in the distant past, an extraterrestrial race sent a spacecraft loaded with microorganisms to seed the Earth with life. Now, more than 40 years later, the fields of space research and biotechnology have advanced to the point where they can back up Crick and Orgel’s claims about our ancient alien ancestors.
 Sharing scientific evidence of alien involvement with life on our planet and with the very landscape of Earth itself, Will Hart refines the theory of directed panspermia--that life was intentionally seeded on Earth by extraterrestrials--to reveal that the same ET agency also created humans and generated civilization. He shows how the Earth was terraformed through an engineering program so sophisticated and vast that it has escaped our attention so far--for example, the major rivers on Earth are precisely aligned through geo-engineering with the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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S9: Ancient Alien Ancestors

S9: Ancient Alien Ancestors

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