SARs Update
Tom Fox and Jonathan Armstrong, renowned expert in cyber security, host the award-winning Life with GDPR. In this episode, Jonathan Armstrong shares that SARs remain a significant area of concern for businesses. He joins Tom to discuss a recent individual’s complaint with the Austrian DPA, in which the response was incomplete and the individual took their case to an Austrian Federal Administrative Court. Jonathan shares that this tactic is being used by those under regulatory and governmental investigation. Tom and Jonathan's insight is invaluable for staying informed of the most up-to-date news on SARs.
Key Highlights
· Challenges of Filing Data Protection Complaints in Austria [00:05 7]
· Legal Implications of Acquiring a Business Under Regulatory or Governmental Investigation [00:11:03 ]
· Ending a Podcast[00:15:50 ]
Notable Quotes
1. "We know that SARS are onerous, and it may be that the GIST route might be a way of saving some of the effort involved, not in searching for data necessarily, but in the whole redaction task, which is substantial because obviously you have to redact records so as not to expose the data of other individuals in many cases."
2. "And the officer stream result also seems to be in accordance with guidance from other DPAs as well. So probably the right decisions in both cases but obviously still some complexity involved in dealing with hours."
3. "We've definitely seen [SARs] in the context of regulatory or other governmental investigation. There are the cases in the public domain, for example, which is a case, which involves Russian oligarchs battling it out in the UK courts after group a investigated group b."
4. "And as I say, we've used the gist route previously. We know that people have complained to the ICR to other regulators but so far, that hasn't been anything that regulators criticized in the cases that we've been involved with.""
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