SPECIAL with guest florist Louise McGregor: learning from a legend
Welcome to the English florist podcast, a fortnightly show about living the life of an event florist.
This week Linz visits her mentor and friend Louise McGregor. In her 81st year she still arranges flowers despite being registered blind. From her home just outside Henley, Oxfordshire, Linz invites Lou to share her story of how she became a florist. Lou, now widowed, is a little emotional at times as she recounts more than 60 years of working and living as an independent jobbing florist.
Go to the White Horse Flower Company at www.whfco.co.uk/ and click on the Patreon link, or click on the link in your podcast player app HERE.
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The show is produced by Loading Zone and for more details of this and other titles visit - www.loadingzone.co.uk