Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, and Family with Colin and Yolanda
In this episode of Circle Time, Colin and Yolanda explore the topic of discussing Santa Claus with young children and navigating holiday traditions with extended family. As parents and early childhood educators, they know firsthand the importance of being thoughtful and intentional about how we introduce holiday traditions to young children, and how to navigate the complexities of celebrating with loved ones from different backgrounds and perspectives.
Join us as we discuss Yolanda's family's tradition of honoring Saint Nicholas, and how to approach discussions about Santa Claus with honesty and sensitivity to wanting to tell the truth.
Whether you're a new parent, an experienced educator, or somewhere in between, this episode of Circle Time has something for everyone as we dive deep into all things little over the first five years. We hope that our discussion made the first five years just a little easier. Be sure to check the show notes for additional tips and tricks, and subscribe to Circle Time on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. Circle Time is a product of SproutFive, a nonprofit that since 1922 has been working to reimagine early education. You can learn more about our work at
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