Sarah Tobin - Helping Mamas Tap Through Trauma
No time in life requires more support than early motherhood - for child and parent alike, the journey starts out with huge pressures on both nervous systems as life throws more and more on a pair that just need to take rest and seek connection.
Through her own trauma, losing a child soon after birth, Sara came to EFT and with the help of this powerful tool she processed and released the grief and cured herself from the PTSD that engulfed her. She went on to train professionally and now educates mums and others online to free themselves from their own trauma.
Her new journal, "The Other Side Of The Door", is an effort to put a powerful tool into the hands of parents who suffer the loss of an infant, to help them navigate and come to terms with the devastating loss of a child. The Other Side Of The Door Journal is set for release within a few weeks, so we felt now was a good time to release this powerful conversation.