Scale Your Amazon Business with VA Power: Thomas Parkinson’s Proven Hiring Tips & Structure
Amazon Sellers, if you’re juggling every task yourself, it’s time to rethink how you grow your Amazon business. In this episode, I sit down with Thomas Parkinson, founder of Fast Track FBA, to dig into his system for hiring and managing virtual assistants (VAs) to boost growth and free up your time.
Amazon Sellers, building a VA-powered team isn’t just about offloading work. Thomas walks us through how a structured VA system can drive your business to the next level without breaking the bank. "Don’t take my word for it—look at the seven- and eight-figure sellers. Nearly all of them have a team, and a lot of that is VAs."
Thomas shares his secrets on building a reliable, cost-effective team, from sourcing agents to purchasing managers. He also breaks down the metrics that drive VA success and how to measure each VA’s impact on your bottom line.
👉 Key hiring metrics to identify when you’re ready
👉 Structured VA team roles that maximize ROI
👉 Critical performance KPIs to track success
👉 Strategies for testing and training VAs efficiently
From tips on structuring your business for long-term growth to avoiding common mistakes that can cost time and profit, this episode will help you get organized and get back to scaling your business.