Schooling Through The Pandemic… What’s Changed?
We started our podcast to discuss K12 education as a project and a response to COVID-19 with our first episode, “Schooling Through An Apocalypse.” What’s changed in education since lockdown happened in March 2020? Lots!
In this episode, we discuss Virtual Academy, how schooling has evolved over the last two years, and more. Mom gets feedback on her parenting during the pandemic… and there is a bird by our window looking for love. (Shoutout to the Vernal Equinox! What, whaaat!!!)
Are you saddled with a troubling situation? Curious to hear what we think about a particular issue? Send us your questions! Tell us “What’s On Your Mind?” your query may end up on the Let’s K12 Better podcast in our community letters section. Send your celebrations and questions to this form or email us:!
Listen to the episode that started it all, Season 1, Episode 1!
Schooling Through An Apocalypse.
Our community question touched upon education and Black students and educators. Here's what Amber's reading that she mentioned in the episode...
Fugitive Pedagogy: Carter G. Woodson and the Art of Black Teaching by Jarvis R. Givens
The Education oF Blacks in the South 1860-1935 by James D. Anderson
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Music written and produced by Garvey Mortley
The Let’s K12Better podcast is written and produced by Amber Coleman-Mortley, Garvey Mortley, Naima Mortley, and Sofia Mortley.