Science & Policy for Deep Oceans, Space, and Antarctica: Geopolitics
In the final episode of our series on science and policy for Antarctica, space, and the deep ocean, Dr Rob Doubleday and expert guests explore the role these places play in geopolitics. Throughout this episode, we hear from Alice Millington, a policy intern here at CSaP; Royal Holloway Professor of Geopolitics Klaus Dodds; King's College London space policy expert Dr Mark Hilborne; and University of Toronto environmental sociologist Professor John Hannigan.
CSaP: The Science & Policy Podcast is hosted by CSaP Executive Director Dr Rob Doubleday, and is edited and produced by CSaP Communications Coordinator Kate McNeil. Research for this series is also supported by CSaP Policy Interns Alice Millington and Anthony Lindley.
Music and sound effects used in this season of CSaP: The Science & Policy Podcast are courtesy of This episode features sound effects from PannChie and smacks999.